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SQL - too many subqueries
23/01/2006 19:29:59
23/01/2006 19:01:19
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Visual FoxPro
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You say 'waiting on SP1...'. I presume you know that the official one is now available.


>I am going to check to see if the EXE is actually VFP9. I converted this system over from a VFP8 application.
>No ram constraints as they run 1 meg of RAM on their machines. I thought that might be a problem but found out that those that errored out had plenty of RAM. One was just a brand new machine. - as I am answering this I wonder if the computer technician has the VFP9 version of the start up program.
>I am waiting on SP1 as I don't want to change the runtimes on all the workstation. However this may force me to do it.
>The finance program was a fun program to implement. My wife and I did it for a number of years and then she retired from teaching several year ago and that ended the program. I certainly appreciate what a teacher goes through each day. Keeping 25 5th graders interested can be problematic. Some days I would drive back to work after my 1 hour lecture and feel on top of the world and the next time I wondered why I ever volunteered to do it. She had me right after the lunch break otherwise know as the proverbial "Death Hour". On the whole it was a great experience.
>I appreciate your defense of VFP9. I work in the small business sector and there is a real need for applications that are quick to development, don't need a dba and are reasonably priced. I think MS is overlooking the small business sector and it appears the same people who are making that decision are the same people that developed MS "Tax Advantage". We all know how that turned out for MS. Because they are a large corporation doesn't mean they are always right.
>For example IBM allowed their compensation program to get in the way of really capturing the PC market. The big iron boys won over the PC newbies.
>Thank for your thoughts. It nice to receive feedback and in the process create hope for a possible answer.
>>Some SWAGs...
>>- Could the malfunctioning workstations be running with prior version of VFP?
>>- Do you have SP1 installed? If not, might be worth a try (though nothing suggests this problem in the fix list).
>>- Might the malfunctioning workstations have RAM constraints?
>>good luck
>>PS Really liked your classroom finances teaching idea.
>>>I am getting the following error on some of the computerer at my client's office. I am using VFP9. Only a few of the computers are having problems with this query.
>>>   Too many subqueries.
>>>The offending code is:
>>>Select a.sif_no, b.insured, a.pol_status As pol_st_old,b.pol_status As pol_st_new, ;
>>>	a.est_prem, o.exp_mod As exp_mod_pct , b.incep_date, ;
>>>	NVL(e.PCT,0)As PCT , Nvl(F.Cnt,0) As NSF, Nvl(g.cancel_cnt,0) As no_pays, ;
>>>	a.agent_no, h.agent_status,Nvl(a.ctp,.F.)As ctp,Nvl(a.consent_rate,.F.) As consent_rate ;
>>>	,Nvl(i.flag7500,"    ")As flag_7500 , Nvl(i.res_premium,000000) As res_7500_prem, ;
>>>	NVL(j.res_premium,00000) As res_3000_prem, Nvl(j.flag3000,"    ") As flag_3000 , ;
>>>	NVL(a.other_flag,"    ") As other_flag , Nvl(a.other_pct,0) As other_pct ,;
>>>	NVL(k.lr_pct,0) As lr_pct , Nvl(l.cnt50000,0) As cnt50000  , Nvl(m.lr_policy,00000.0)As lr_policy, ;
>>>	NVL(N.frequency,0000) As frequency,  ;
>>>	IIF(Empty(a.safety_pct)  ," ","Y") As drugfree_cr,IIF(Empty(a.drugfree_pct)  ," ","Y") As safety_cr, ;
>>>	IIF(Empty(a.fccpap_pct)  ," ","Y") As fccpap_cr, ;
>>>	ICASE(a.limit1 = "500000","2",a.limit1 = "1000000","3"," ") As limits, Iif(a.bill_method = "2","Y", " ") As msa, ;
>>>	00 As sort_order, a.ctr_pct, a.ctp_ann, 000 As scorecard,Space(4) As star_lr ,Space(1) As star_50000, ;
>>>	SPACE(1) As star_freq,Space(1) As star_no_pay,Space(1) As star_nsf,Space(1) As star_exp_Mod,Space(1) As star_audit, ;
>>>	SPACE(1) As star_7500,Space(1) As star_3000,Space(1) As star_unappr ;
>>>	From tmpPolicy a ;
>>>	LEFT Join h:\ps_vfp\Master b On a.sif_no = b.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmpAudit e On a.sif_no = e.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmprtn_ck F On a.sif_no = F.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmpcancels g On a.sif_no = g.sif_no  ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmpagents h On a.agent_no = h.agent_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmp_7500 i On a.sif_no = i.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmp_3000 j On a.sif_no = j.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmplr_agent k On a.agent_no = k.agent_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmp50000  l On  a.sif_no = l.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmplr_policy m On a.sif_no = m.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmpfrequency N On a.sif_no = N.sif_no ;
>>>	LEFT Join tmpExp_mod o On a.sif_no = o.sif_no ;
>>>	Into Cursor tmpagg Readwrite
>>>Anyone have any ideas why this creates an error in some of the computers and not the other. This is a VFP 9 application.

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