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Oh my, Hamas
06/02/2006 11:40:15
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>>>>>>Of course, I believe that the first humans were Adam and Eve. The promise of the Messiah was made to them. So, anyone living after them (which would include everyone) had that promise to believe in. Once the promise was fulfilled in Christ, then the belief changed from a future promise to a past event.
>>>>>How about the bones of older humans?
>>>>I would dispute that those are bones of humans older than Adam and Eve.
>>>Where did A & E's sons find their wives?
>>I think we've covered this before...
>>While the Bible doesn't say, I would presume that they married and had children with their sisters. If you're really interested in that you can read more here: http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/tools/cains_wife.asp
>>Logically, if life began with one man and one woman, there had to be relations with brothers and sisters in order to procreate...It was not considered a sin until much later during the life of Moses.
>Sorry to enter again, but I've just read the text on that website and I'm now wondering whether it all simply comes down to the desire to live the life of Adam and Eve in Paradise. Afterall, they lived for 900+ years and would have lived eternally if they hadn't sinned? And they lived in prosperity and without any problems.
>If this is the true, albeit hidden, motive of the believers, then the quote from Ayn Rand's "We The Living", as brought to our attention by Kevin Goff (Re: Oh my, Hamas Thread #1091111 Message #1093832) may very well contain the psychological crux. Let's repeat it here:
>"Do you believe in God, Andrei? No. Neither do I. But that's a favorite question of mine. An upside-down question, you know. What do you mean? Well, if I asked people whether they believed in life, they'd never understand what I meant. It's a bad question. It can mean so much that it really means nothing. So I ask them if they believe in God. And if they say they do -- then, I know they don't believe in life. Why? Because, you see, God -- whatever anyone chooses to call God -- is one's highest conception of the highest possible. And whoever places his highest conception above his own possibility thinks very little of himself and his life. It's a rare gift, you know, to feel reverence for your own life and to want the best, the greatest, the highest possible, here, now, for your very own."

That article is pure sophistry. When something can seem to be explained by the words of the bible, then those words are used. When not, then one must make up something to rationalise the situation. This way, one never has to consider the fact that there are contradictions in the bible. And where there are contradictions, there may be flaws. The question never need be asked why those people are never mentioned. With all the begats listed, you'd think that Adam and Eve's children would bear some mention.

Besides, I've never really understood what God had against vegetables. (Genesis 4)

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