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Oh my, Hamas
07/02/2006 03:13:24
Walter Meester
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>>>What? I'm supposed to be tolerant of those who issue totally idiotic statements. Or in a worse case issue hateful and destructive statements.
>>>Once again, you feel the need to frame everything in terms of conservative/liberal, democrat/republican. There's been much written about how many in the south turned towards the republican party when democrats pushed for civil rights in the 60s. Is that what explains your beliefs?
>>Once again you try to broad brush the south. Didn't LA have a little riot after that Rodney King thingy? Hmmm, such enlightenment. I joined the Republican party because of Ronald Reagan. He demonstrated patriotism, conservatism and sanity while Carter and the Democrats didn't know up from down.
>In case you don't know. Ronald reagan is dead. And for sanity, I'm not sure why reversing the process for accepting the metric system (the metric system was almost accepted in the late '70) is an actual prove of sanity. Inches, foot, miles, yards, pounds, stone... it all of course makes sense, esspecially if you try to convert one into another. This conservatism actually is in the end going to isolate you.
>I've not seen a lot of sanity in the republican party lately. Started a war on false grounds, don't know how to make peace, are violating laws by tapping phonelines without permission from any court, torturing POW in cuba, numerous corruption scandals, lead by a former alcohol and drug addict (happened before with J.F. Kennedy) with the IQ of a peanut. And of course they will blame the democrats. Tssss,..... you must be very loyal to the party to actually buy all this crap and still have the nerve to blame the liberals.


Now Walter, let us be honest! No Republican has ever violated the law, told a lie, or done anything for self gain. The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln. Lincoln freed the slaves and this caused the south to be Democratic.

In time the roles of the Democrats and Republicans were reversed. As for Ronald Reagan, he began as a Democrat and then “saw the light”. Reagan ran against Pat Brown for governor of California. Reagan denounced Brown (who was then governor) for spending too much.

The Brown budget was 4 ½ billion. Brown is remembered for our state hiway system, system of higher education, bring employers to California and many positive things. Reagan promised to reduce the size of California government and reduce the budget.

When Reagan left office as Governor of California, the size of the government had doubled, and the budget was 20 billion. We had little to show for governor Reagan’s efforts. Then the good governor ran for President on the same platform – smaller government and fiscal responsibility.

When President Reagan left office the size of the government had doubled, as had the national debt.

It is not truth and reality that are important in politics. It is all about personality and charisma.

By the way it was made lawful in 1866 to use the Metric System in the United States. We just do not like to hurry such matters!

So you have to forgive the conservatives or republicans or whatever they wish to call themselves. You see they have no concept of reality and would not know it if it bit them on the behind!

The republican mentality: Seig Hiel!


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