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Oh my, Hamas
20/02/2006 09:04:04
18/02/2006 00:56:18
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>>>I'm sorry you fell that way Alan. But perhaps God wants people like yourself, who are caring and loving, to help those people that are in need.
>>But God is all powerful and omniscient. He knows that children are going to die of starvation regardless of how many people try to help. He also knows how many people will try to help and how many will hinder that help. He knows innocents will die for no good reason. If He loves us so much, I just don't understand His not lifting a hand to help. And it's no good telling me that God works in mysterious ways. That's just a cop out.
>My dear friend, He does lift His hand. Everytime people donate and give of their time and resource, they are doing His work.

Ok, but don't you think it's time He did a little of His own work? I mean, hasn't He been able to figure out by now that children are dying anyway? Those who are doing 'His work' need His help - in a tangible way.

>>Seriously, is that how you see love? If you child were starving would you really sit back and wait for somebody else to do something about it?
>That is a tough question and deserves a good answer. Lets say that He wipes out hunger and all the bad things from the face of this world. Would that convince you of His existance?

It would go a long way toward it.

>If there was no evil and suffering, would you be so aware of how lucky you are and how there are evil in this world. Would you know the difference between good and evil if all you saw was good?

If there were no evil in the world, and therefore you and I could no longer see the difference between it and good, and we would no longer feel lucky, well, I frankly would see that as no great loss, and in fact, a superb bargain.

>I believe that those that are suffering because of evil and selfish gov't they live under, will go to heaven because God is a merciful God. In the mean time we must helf as much as possible. Bad will always exist as long as human rule the earth.

Those who are suffering are, imho, suffering needlessley. If their suffering is happening just so I can feel lucky and to allow me to see the difference between good and evil, then maybe He should have checked with me to see how badly I feel the need for those things.

I regret that that probably sounds a little more sarcastic than I intended, but the truth is that I find the rationalisations people use to explain God in the face of the evils we see, and the starvation, and dying of innocents (especially children) to be a bit tortuous and hard to swallow.

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