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Abu ghraib torture scandal again
21/02/2006 10:19:38
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I have absolutely no doubt that there are some Muslims -- not all, some -- who are actively seeking a religious and cultural war. They are not content with their own religious beliefs. They want them to be the law of the land, and ultimately they want the world to be a Muslim theocracy. Sharia for one and all.

Combine that level of fervor with pure dumb ignorance and we have reason for concern.

I am somewhat surprised to hear myself say this, but I'm not sure we shouldn't exclude Muslims from the U.S. In a way that's a horrifying thought, totally against the traditions we stand for. But how do we know which are terrorists and which aren't? There sure as hell are terrorists among them, waiting in their quiet cells until they get the order to strike again. I say kick 'em out. No new visas to Muslims. Immediate deportation to those who are here on visas. Those who have been here longer and are now naturalized U.S. citizens should be exempted.

Thoughts? Am I being too reactionary?

>I am really starting to wonder if a conspiracy really does exist, and if so, who really is responsible for it. A conspiracy in the sense that someone, somewhere wants to incite a world war between non-Muslims and Muslims. At first I thought it was focused on America, but given the cartoons (which are blasphemy but the violence is far too intense and widespread for that and also the Muslim world has printed worse themselves in their own papers in their own countries and depicted Muhammad in books in the past), the recently released film of British soldiers beating Iraqi youths from years ago, and the recent release of photos at the prison during 2003. Also, what about the anti-semetic tv series in Jordan? In some ways, this really is the pot calling the kettle black. And to imagine that the whole cartoon fiasco was started by a Danish Muslim group looking for recognition, dialog and respect...
>>>I think you misunderstand. I am not, nor have I ever stated that I believed the photos to be fake. Far from it. It is a tragedy and embarrassment to the U.S. and servicemen. I believe them to be real but not recent photos. They were taken during the same period as the other photos which were publicized when the scandal first went public. Those guilty in the photos have already been sentenced and are serving time. This was even stated by the Iraqi leaders and the Australian Television Network. If newer photos are available, I have not seen them nor seen any proof of their date.
>>>Here is what I posted:
>>>I do not see any reliable information that the photos are recent. They were recently released, but taken back in 2003 and those individuals in
>>>the photos have already been indicted and sentenced

>>>I never stated that I thought they were not real. Recent and real are two different words with different meanings.

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