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Winter Olympics (no spoilers, PLEASE!)
21/02/2006 12:00:29
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I've been watching every night too. I enjoy the Winter Olympics much more than the summer.

I'm glad to see Dick Button instead of Scott Hamilton doing figure skating. He's much more enjoyable. And to have the commentators, for the most part, keep quiet during the routines so we can enjoy them more....that's a nice surprise.

I can't agree with you on Bob Costas. I'm glad he's being used less than during previous games. He's highly overrated, but that could be my reaction to his strong dislike of Salt Lake City, which was clearly evident when the Jazz were in the NBA finals and four years ago when we hosted the games.

I change the channel whenever Jimmy Roberts comes on. He's worse than Costas.

NBC touted this as the best Olympic team the US has had in years. For the most part, it's stunk.

Snowboard cross was fun to watch, but every weekend when I'm skiing, I have to face kids just like that who think it's what snowboarding is all about. Racing down the hill, cutting people off, is standard for snowboarders.

The Herminator is amazing. I'm greatly anticipating his book.

I can do without Shani Davis. If he doesn't win anything else, I'll be happy. Yes, you're right, speed skating is an individual sport, but to completely snub the American media is downright wrong.

Medal design? My first thought was that someone figured out what to do with all those AOL disks.

Luge and skeleton are two different sports precisely because you ride different directions. The techniques are different. If you want more, I can ask a coworker, who is an internationally certified luge official.

FYI, a delegation from Salt Lake City is in Torino, beginning work on bringing the games back here. From news reports, they've been warmly welcomed by both the USOC and the IOC. Remember that SLC hosted the most successful winter games ever.

>Who has been watching the Winter Olympics? What do you think?
>(And please, no spoilers. One of the most riveting events so far was ruined for me by a careless poster here last Friday. Not ruined, but certainly diminished).
>Just to get things started, I have been watching almost every night and have enjoyed it for the most part. Here are my impressions so far ---
>The skiing events during and after the big snowstorm on Sunday were idyllic. I particularly enjoyed the men's cross country relay. The Norway vs. Italy showdown didn't happen -- Italy romped -- but it was beautiful to watch. It made me want to strap on some cross country skis, if only we had some snow.
>What on earth is going on in men's hockey? It's almost upside down. The preliminary round is kind of a farce, you can screw up and still advance, but the results have not been as expected. Czechoslovakia having trouble with Dominik Hasek injured is not completely shocking, but Canada being shut out two days in a row is. And where the heck did Finland come from?
>Snowboard cross was a pure blast, probably the highlight of these games. I am among those who didn't even consider snowboarding a real sport two weeks ago. I turned on the TV the night it started without even knowing what it was. By the end of the first race I was hooked. IMO they need to change the rules so you can't bump another rider off the course but this is a terrifically entertaining event.
>I felt sorry for Lindsay Jacobellis (sp?). Yeah, she screwed up. Yeah, she cost herself a gold with the ill-advised hot dog moment. (Her gold, not ours). But come on, folks, especially the badgers in the media. Hot dogging is the essense of snowboarding. She just showed off, and blew it, at the most inopportune possible time. I doubt anyone feels worse about it than she does. So leave her alone.
>There sure are some disappointed American advertisers, aren't there? The preselected golden gals and guys with all the endorsements and publicity have almost all gone down in flames. Michelle Kwan -- didn't compete. Bode Miller -- competed badly. (And good riddance to that arrogant, lazy jerk). The entire U.S. alpine ski team, the self-proclaimed "best in the world" -- disastrous. Apolo Anton Ono -- not much so far. Johnny Weir -- not ready for prime time.
>It's always nicer to accentuate the positive. The snowboarders were a delight, a revelation in fact, including Seth Corbett from my home state. I loved the Chinese skating pair for even coming back onto the ice after a horrific fall, much less winning silver. Equally so the Russians who won, coming back from a bad fall themselves. (As you can see, I am not one of those who cheers only for Americans). Hermann Maier, the Herminator, the Flying Pig, coming within 0.13 of another gold after nearly losing a leg in a motorcycle accident. Now that's amazing. The joy on the face of the Russian speedskater after her gold medal winning performance, looking around for her result with a puzzled look on her face, then erupting in joy. Good for you, lady, good for you.
>Shani Davis irritated the heck out of me on first viewing, for having refused to skate in the team relay and for his manifest self-absorbed attitude. I literally said to my daughter, "I hope he falls on his a**." His smug look after winning the 1000 and his bizarre, hostile postrace interview did nothing to change that impression. Now I guess I am ambivalent. Joey Cheek, among others, have said speedskating isn't a team event, it's an individual event, so maybe the potshots Davis has taken for not being a team player are misguided. And he is a black guy in a very white sport. Not to go all bleeding heart but if I came from a single parent home in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago, would I be any less self-absorbed, any more gracious in victory? I haven't walked in his shoes.
>Bob Costas has been terrific. Apart maybe from John Madden, he is my favorite sportscaster.
>Can anyone explain to me why luge singles, in which one lies on a sled with feet forward, and skeleton, in which one lies on a sled with head forward, are two separate events?
>Can anyone explain the medal design to me? To me they are just plain weird. Some wag said they have holes in them so the snowboarders can play them in their X-Boxes. LOL
>I know as soon as I post this I will remember things I forgot. That's OK, it's been fun, and still six days to go. It's two weeks of memories. I encourage all who have not been watching so far to check it out.
Craig Berntson
MCSD, Microsoft .Net MVP, Grape City Community Influencer

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