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Print Excel sheet in report.
22/06/1998 09:37:07
20/06/1998 13:03:52
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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>>Hi Cetin.. I checked those examples, but they do not say anything about printing an Excel Chart. The examples use MSGraph. How can I get an Excel Chart/Graph into a general field?
>>>2nd - It's quite possible to print, create, get to a gen field, change etc an Excel chart via OLE automation. Check the KB\FAQ and solutions.app.
>Sorry for being so late. I have a real telecomm. problem, this is my nth trial sending this in last two days w/o succes and don't know if I could even stay online till finishing this message. Here is a sample that creates an excel chart in gen field and plays with it via OLE.
*!*	Below example is for Excel8.
>*!*	xlConstants can be found by :
>*!*	-Open Excel
>*!*	-Select tools\macro\VB editor
>*!*	-Press F2 to bring up "Object browser"
>*!*	-Find needed xlConstant type ie:xlChartType
>*!*	-On right window click needed Constant ie: xl3DArea
>*!*	-Below the window constant value is displayed
>*!*	-Rather kludgy but currently the only way I know to find them
>*!* cetin@neptune.imst.deu.edu.tr
>* xlChartType constants
>* Extracted from Object browser
>* 05/21/1998
>* cetin@neptune.imst.deu.edu.tr
>#define xl3DArea 					-4098
>#define xl3DAreaStacked 			78
>#define xl3DAreaStacked100 			79
>#define xl3DBarClustered 			60
>#define xl3DBarStacked 				61
>#define xl3DBarStacked100 			62
>#define xl3DColumn					-4100
>#define xl3DColumnClustered			54
>#define xl3DColumnStacked			55
>#define xl3DColumnStacked100		56
>#define xl3DLine					-4101
>#define xl3DPie						-4102
>#define xl3DPieExploded				70
>#define xlArea						1
>#define xlAreaStacked				76
>#define xlAreaStacked100			77
>#define xlBarClustered				57
>#define xlBarOfPie					71
>#define xlBarStacked				58
>#define xlBarStacked100				59
>#define xlBubble					15
>#define xlBubble3DEffect			87
>#define xlColumnClustered			51
>#define xlColumnStacked				52
>#define xlColumnStacked100			53
>#define xlConeBarClustered			102
>#define xlConeBarStacked			103
>#define xlConeBarStacked100			104
>#define xlConeCol					105
>#define xlConeColClustered			99
>#define xlConeColStacked			100
>#define xlConeColStacked100			101
>#define xlCylinderBarClustered		95
>#define xlCylinderBarStacked		96
>#define xlCylinderBarStacked100		97
>#define xlCylinderCol				98
>#define xlCylinderColClustered		92
>#define xlCylinderColStacked		93
>#define xlCylinderColStacked100		94
>#define xlDoughnut					-4120
>#define xlDoughnutExploded			80
>#define xlLine						4
>#define xlLineMarkers				65
>#define xlLineMarkersStacked		66
>#define xlLineMarkersStacked100		67
>#define xlLineStacked				63
>#define xlLineStacked100			64
>#define xlPie						5
>#define xlPieExploded				69
>#define xlPieOfPie					68
>#define xlPyramidBarClustered		109
>#define xlPyramidBarStacked			110
>#define xlPyramidBarStacked100		111
>#define xlPyramidCol				112
>#define xlPyramidColClustered		106
>#define xlPyramidColStacked			107
>#define xlPyramidColStacked100		108
>#define xlRadar						-4151
>#define xlRadarFilled				82
>#define xlRadarMarkers				81
>#define xlStockHLC					88
>#define xlStockOHLC					89
>#define xlStockVHLC					90
>#define xlStockVOHLC				91
>#define xlSurface					83
>#define xlSurfaceTopView			85
>#define xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe	86
>#define xlSurfaceWireframe			84
>#define xlXYScatter					-4169
>#define xlXYScatterLines			74
>#define xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers	75
>#define xlXYScatterSmooth			72
>#define xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers	73
>create cursor test (degree i, sine n(8,4) NULL, cosine n(8,4))
>for ix = 1 to 90
>	insert into test ;
>	  values ;
>	  (ix,cos(ix)*ix,sin(ix)*ix)
>scan next 30     && Nullify 30 degrees
>	replace sine with .null.       && Nullify some values to see effect
>go top
>create cursor testgen (genfld1 g)
>append blank
>append general genfld1 class "excel.chart"
>* Now we have Excel object in gen field.
>* Play with it
>select test
>oForm = createobject("Form")
>with oForm
>	.height = 400
>	.width = 600
>	.show
>	.addobject("myGraph","OleBoundControl")
>	.addobject("myQuit1","myQuit")
>	with .myGraph
>		.height = oForm.height - 20
>		.width = oForm.width
>		.left = 0
>		.top = 0
>		.ControlSource = "testgen.Genfld1"
>		wait window nowait "Filling cell values..."
>		with .Sheets("Sheet1")
>			nRows = reccount()+1
>			nCols = fcount()
>			for ix = 1 to nCols
>				.Cells(1,ix).Value = field(ix)
>			endfor
>			scan
>				for ix = 1 to nCols
>					.Cells(recno()+1,ix).Value = evaluate(field(ix))
>				endfor
>			endscan
>			wait window nowait "Plotting..."
>*!*			oForm.myGraph.ActiveChart.SetSourceData(.Range(.cells(1,2), .cells(nRows,nCols)), 2)
>*!*		Instead setall with chartwizard
>*!*		Syntax
>*!*		ChartWizard(Source, Gallery, Format, ;
>*!*		 PlotBy, CategoryLabels, SeriesLabels, ;
>*!*		 HasLegend, Title, CategoryTitle, ValueTitle, ExtraTitle)
>			oForm.myGraph.ActiveChart.ChartWizard(.Range(.cells(1,2), .cells(nRows,nCols)), ;
>				xl3DArea,5,2,0,1,.t.,"My chart example in general field","Category title","Value title","Extra title")
>* .t. or 1 - .f. or 0 may be used for logicals				
>		    wait clear
>		endwith
>		.visible=.T.
>	endwith
>	.myQuit1.visible = .t.
>read events
>define class myquit as commandbutton
>procedure click
>    release all
>	clear events

Hi Cetin,
Here's another way you can get to the constants for programs in the office suite: look for file wc0993.exe in MS knowledge base. Someone said going through the object browser to get the values was better than this, but I disagree. HTH

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