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Migrating from vs2003 to vs2005 -- lost session variable
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The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
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Thank you Kevin,

The event log was not reporting any errors. The asp.net 2.0 framework was not reporting any errors. But I was loosing my session state. I fired up the performance monitor (perfmon.exe) and the file monitor (filemon.exe) to find that asp.net 2.0 was restarting just prior to my session state loss. It turns out that you can do something in asp.net 1.1 that you *cannot* do in asp.net 2.0. That is: You are not allowed to change the contents of the web applications root directory or any of the subfolders of the root directory once the application is running. I have a vfp mtdll COM object that is nothing more than a wrapper to XFRX (vfp report form to PDF converter). I had configured XFRX to use a subfolder of my application’s root directory as a temporary storage and work area.

Take away message:
Please advise your clients that upgrading web applications from asp.net 1.1 to asp.net 2.0 can be challenging. One subtle issue is *NO* programmatic changing of the contents of the web application’s root directory or any of the root's subfolders.

Please refer to http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2005/12/14/433194.aspx for more info.

Neil Gorin
PS. COM Interop has changed in asp.net 2.0. There is longer a need for the ASPCOMPAT attribute in the @Page directive when using vfp mtdll’s.

>>I am struggling while migrating a Web Application Project from vs2003 to a *Web Site Project* in vs2005. I have got to say that is just unfair that this was not made easier by Microsoft. Anyway, I am having a problem with, what I think is, lost session variables. Can someone suggest a way to trace this one:
>>I am on a web form that has a button that redirects me to another page. From the new page I hit a button that redirects back to sending page and then I am booted to the Mere Mortals security login page as if I was starting my session all over again.
>When you have RequiresSecurity = true, the following code located in mmBaseWebPage.OnLoad() is executed to determine whether to redirect to the login:
if (this.RequiresSecurity && this.SecurityUserPk == null)
>	this.RedirectToLogin();
>	return;
>So, my guess is that you're losing the SecurityUserPk value.
>>And… can someone advise me as to how to turn off security on a web form in vs2005. Everything is just a little bit different. Different enough for me not to find it.
>It IS different in ASP.NET 2.0. Check out the MM .NET Dev Guide topic "Securing Forms" for the code you need to use now to turn security off/on.
>>Is anyone having problems with the page directive ASPCOMPAT=”true”. I had to remove it because I was being thrown unspecified ASP COMPATABILTY ERRORS.
>>Is it to soon to migrate? Should we wait another month or two?
>We've had a number of developers migrate pretty complex applications -- there is usually SOME tweaking to do, but not too much.
>Best Regards,

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