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28/03/2006 17:15:05
28/03/2006 16:21:27
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Re: Fear
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I wish you well and you have my blessings Greg. That is a very difficult situation to deal with and it is compounded and that much more stressful when it is someone you love. I went through a similar situation with my sister a couple of years ago (I can only think similar but it may not be similar at all). It was her children (my neice and nephew) pushing her to stop drinking that pushed her to change. She considered herself a social drinker and nothing more. Denial of course. Once the alcohol was out of her system for a few months (yes I typed months) then her health finally improved. I think a lot has to with how many toxins the body can stand.

>>>>>>>I ask for ALL prays, and good wishs.
>>>>>>You got it! Mercy, Greg!
>>>>>I all whom have replied, all that to come.
>>>>>Angela is doing much better. She is wake, and gripping about the service as usual. With the 107 (f) temperature , they were afraid there may be bran issues. But, somebody did tell Angela ;-) She pulled through great. She is currently having problems moving she legs much, but the doctors fell it will pass soon.
>>>>>Thank you all for your blessings, form all over the world. I am told that prayers are best received from strangers. Thank you.
>>>>Hey! Who you callin' strangers? ;)
>>>"Hay stranger"
>>>"Stranger, stranger then what?"
>>>from the movie "They call me nobody" (i think) :)
>>>>Glad to hear the good news.
>>Good to hear from. How is Angela doing? In fact how are you doing? :)
>She is doing much better, but she does have some off days. Today being one of them. I think yesterday she pushed herself too much, and now she is paying for it. I am sure that tomorrow she will be feeling better (I hope). The doctors beleive the problem is temporary, but they really can not give me a understandable answer to the cause. We plan to see a specialist soon. Perhaps then we can get some answers.
>My biggest problem is that Angela thinks she knows more then the doctors, or anyone else for that matter. They (and me) tell to not do something we know will cause more problem, and she ignores us, and does it anyway. I wish I could break through she bull-headness and make her see that see needs to listen.
>For you see, she has a drinking problem, and the doctors (and me) tell her it is the drinking that caused her problem. She is denial, and she thinks the problem is some kind of Cold. But for over 6 months? I don't think so. I truly need to find her help. First she has to want the help for it to truly help.
>Well, I am going back to search for outside help. Any suggestion, outside the obvious (AA, etc.) would helpful from you or anyone else that reads this post.
>Thanks to you, and all.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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