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06/04/2006 09:16:56
06/04/2006 09:00:50
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>That won’t happen again for 1,000 years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Wouldn't that be 100 years?... 2106 = /06, doesn't it?
>>>>>>>>>>>But don't you love these date-setting dependent cute numbers? I remember a couple of my friends were married on 19th of September in '91, because 19.9.1991 is one of those once-in-a-zillion years dates. If your date format is yy-m-dddd, that is. And nobody gets married on a Thursday there - they got the matricular office working overtime. At least their friends remember the date :).
>>>>>>>>>>I was best man in an 8-8-80 wedding.
>>>>>>>>>Our daughter will remember her eighth birthday. She was born 8-8-80. So on 8-8-88 she was 8! Now she is 25. How did that happen? :) Kids grow up too soon.
>>>>>>>>When one of my nieces turned 30, we had a real blow-up over how she could have let it happen that she wasn't 12 any more. I mean, how could she do this to me.
>>>>>>>I agree! It is not fair! :)
>>>>>>with my wee six-year-old, I want here to stay cute like that forever. I've explained to her what I mean when I keep threatening to remove her pituitary gland so that she remains so. That freaks her out a bit! :-)
>>>>>Give her a copy of Günter Grass' Tin Drum to read, or read it to her. Really set her on fry.
>>>>I read that years ago. Can't remember now - does he stay a kid all through the war and how? I seem to remember it has a happy ending though? - not freakifying enough :-)
>>>He stays a kid because he made a vow not to be a politician or a grocer and to stay just the way he was.
>>>>BTW, I also threaten to eat her left arm ... some day when I'm really hungry ... and when she's not expecting it.
>>>>I say left arm so she'll still have her better arm to write with, etc. She always bolts the hatch on her oubliette from the inside after that :-]
>>>You keep her in a dungeon too? Man, that's going to be one maladjusted kid some day! I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you. ;-)
>>Why? It never did ME any harm! And I keep my great grandmother down there for company!
>Sure, but that was then. Why, when I was a kid;
>I had to get up in the morning, at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill and pay millowner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our dad would kill us and dance about on our graves, singing Hallelujah!

lol Great, and almost perfect. It's "... pay t'millowner" (t' = Yorkshire for "the")

Did you not rub gravel in your heads for breakfast then? :-)
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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