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IF ... What do YOU do?
10/04/2006 11:07:41
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>Last week I had three consequtive days with a bug a day. And this wasn't really one of the worst weeks.
>>Well that's a bummer, and I understand your frustration. The only real issues I've had in the past is that stupid infamous c00005 error....then again there are some features of VFP that I'm not using too - the cursoradapters for example. Hopfully you can pin-point what the issue is.
>>>Or are you siding with Marcia and suggesting that those who regularly report bugs are likely merely bad programmers?
>>I didn't read the entire thread on this subject - but I wouldn't really think there a link between the two - assuming that the reported bugs are actually bugs of course - and that's something that would have to be addressed on an individual basis.
>OK, how would you classify this situation: I'm developing an app which is basically one big form, a pageframe with three pages, one big grid and an image on page1, one 2-column grid, a few textboxes and editboxes, plus an image on page3 (page2 vanished during development), and a webbrowser object on page4. A total of about 15 commandbuttons on first two pages. Additional requirement to be able to set the font for anything (user's eyesight needs that) which I achieved by recursively bindevent()ing the rightclick of any textbox, editbox, commandbutton or header to a method of a prg-based object. The changed font properties are written into an .ini file and restored in the next .init of the form. So are the column widths and orders, plus a few more settings (position of the form, position and size of _screen, and a few directories).
>All of a sudden I started getting c000005 errors all over the place, at random and various places. The only clue was that it sometimes mentioned "declare dll", even though the location of the error mostly had nothing to do with the Write/GetPrivateProfileString I'm using.
>I tried declaring them only once (presently they were declared each time they were called, and it has worked that way for years without a problem). Still no good.
>One of the last things I did was to simply delete the ini file. And it started working nicely. A-ha!
>Then I found the culprit - the section names in the ini file. For a while I was using chrtran(sys(1272,toObj), ".", "_"), but then I forgot the chrtran() in the font saving routine, and started getting both [formname.pageframe.page1.text1] and [formname_pageframe_page1_text1]. The recent version uses the former only. When I deleted the ini file, the new file didn't have any sections with underscores anymore... so that was it. I wrote a little routine which removes those sections, to purge the existing ini file in production, and voila, it all works.
>So, for you two guys, did I run into a bug, or just a limitation, or was I just sloppy? If it's a bug, is it a VFP bug or Windows API bug?

Well, if you forgot the chrtran() in the font saving routine and ended up with sections that had the underscores - don't see how VFP or Windows can be to blame for that. Would of been nice if you would of got something a little more specific that the infamous c00005 error though.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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