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Bush is gonna nuke Iran...
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I just heard an interview on the radio with the author. I didn't realize how serious his charges were. He say's he's been told by his sources that bush feels that future presidents can't be trusted and he must do something about iran.

bush has a real ego problem. I've heard it described by mental health experts that he is exhibiting the type of behavior you see in a recovering alchoholic who hasn't undergone a 12 step program. Alcoholism causes some personality changes that you need to deal with once you go straight.

Middle East experts have said that much like in Iraq, where we've galvanized the jihadists against us, we've galvanized the Iranian people against us now. Iran is a fairly young society. And the young are mostly not too religious and don't care for the fundamentalist govt. There is a theory that the Iranian govt would have collapsed on its own if 9-11 had not happened.

>>>>>So Bush wants to nuke Iran now huh?
>>>>>Hey if he can't get gas to $5.00 a gallon by the end of his term at least he can start World War 3.
>>>>Long thread, but I'm just first glancing at it. At first glance it seems like just a pile of bull. Then I read through some of it. Yep. Bull.
>>>>He didn't cause the gas prices. That's an ignorant assupmtion, devoid of any economical common sense.
>>>>He can't nuke Iran, he shot his load in Iraq, and he only had one.
>>>>Your thread is simply alarmist and apropos of nothing.
>>>I was under the impression that the writer of the article was a very respectable writer. Of course what they're really saying is that the idea of using nukes is NOT off the table, doesn't necessarly mean it will happen.
>>I haven't ruled out the possibility of Ronald McDonald killing me in my sleep with an axe, so I guess that could happen too...
>Well Ronald McDonald is not a Pulitzer award winning journalist as this man Hersh is either is he? Perhaps you just reaaaaaly want to believe that Bush would never push the button, so the thing to do is just call it bull and alarmist? (helps you feel safer?) I mean we have all the reason n the world to trust him right? He's got us in an illegal war based on bogus info and he leaks info about our CIA operatives. Now this comes out and he hasn't denyed it. I mean the guy is kinda trigger happy (although at least he doesn't go around shooting old men in the face with a shotgun like his VP)...
>>>As far as the gas cost goes, yes there are a lot of things to factor into that, however, if Bush was not our president, we probably wouldn't be involved in our little illeagal war over in Iraq - which I think (no proof to back it up though) is one of the main factors in the gas price hike.
>>I think it has a lot more to do with the oil companies basically charging whatever the market will support. Is Bush soft on them? Yep, but it's just a variation of the long-standing pork barrel philosophy that the basic politics of our country was built on.
>That is also part of it, but the oil companies wouldn't be able to play the Iraq card to increase what the market is willing support if we were not at war riiiiiight? And again - this is the fault of the Bush administration - plus Bush is an oil man himself. Face it, if Bush wasn't in office, gas prices wouldn't be though the roof right now. (and our young men wouldnt be coming home in body bags either).

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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