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Bomb, Bomb, Bomb - Bomb, Bomb Iran
19/04/2006 11:49:46
18/04/2006 20:59:14
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>You obviously refer to different sources than I. I recently heard an interview with someone who spent time in Falouja (sp). He discussed the absolute, total destruction our forces reeked in the area. The towns people being allowed back in to identify the remains of their relatives.
>The last statistic I saw listed maybe 20% of the areas listed as being under control. I don't consider 80% failures to be a major success.

If 20% is the last statistic you saw then you aren't paying attention. Here are just three links about the amount of the country that is not only under control but is being turned over to Iraqi security forces. http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2006/20060324_4597.html

>There's a reason so many generals are coming out against rummy. And it's not because he's doing a good job. Of course your sources are launching a swiftboat attack against the 6.

Ummm. There are conflicting reports abount the number of retired generals out there but the number is somewhere between 4500-7000. Lets take the small end and say there's 6 generals out of 4500 who have come out against Rumsfeld. I wouldn't refer to it as 'so many'.

Swiftboat attack? The number 2 man in CENTCOM during the Iraq war has come out against these generals. Hardly a questionable source. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/16/opinion/16delong.html

>Luckily according to the latest polls there are far more people like me in the US, then you. 47% who abhor bush and his politics vs. 20% who think he's doing a great job.

I agree that the polling indicates :
people do not think 'favorably' of Bush
people do not think he is doing a good job

However, you cannot assume that the majority of people do not like his politics until the Republican party starts losing elections.

btw : When did I say Bush was doing a great job? I've been consistently defending the war effort and its results. That has much more to do with our military and the Iraqi people then with Bush. Bush makes the big decisions but it's up to the military commanders, the pentagon and the joint chiefs to draw up the plans and its up to the soldiers to execute them.

>People who think like you are leading us towards WWIII and possible destruction this world will never recover from.


>>>There has been no turning the corner. Unless, of course, you are referring to the start of the civil war that was promised by many middle east experts in case of an iraqi invasion.
>>What civil war? It hasn't happened. There is an insurgency and foreign terrorists (who may be leaving http://washingtontimes.com/world/20060413-110216-1235r.htm), but the so-called civil war never happened. The attack on the golden dome mosque was supposed to set it all in motion and instead it may have been Zarqawi's last shot.
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