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We certainly make the best interrogators. :o)

>>>>>>I think it would be the same as a bunch of VFP programmers getting together for a conference to discuss best pactices, common problem specific to VFP programmers, and possible solutions to the problems. It should be constructive for all concerned, if done properly.
>>>>>All the VFP developers would come from different backgrounds, race, sex, etc. We wouldn't even exclude Access programmers. It's totally different. Also, the governments which are funded by people of all races wouldn't be funding our getting together.
>>>>>Ask yourself again, how would "they" feel if we were holding a White Mayor's Conference. It's insulting at the very least and "in your face" racism.
>>>>Now you're giving me a flashback, not off topic. When I worked at Kraft one of the members of my team was a black woman with an MBA from Stanford. One day I wandered by her desk and she was putting together a mailing for a black Stanford alumni association. My reaction was about the same as yours in this discussion. "What's that about?" I said. Why isn't it just Stanford alums and what does skin color have to do with it? She stared at me, the kind of stare that says you're stone stupid. (Women specialize in this [lol]). She said Mike, you're a nice guy, but you don't know a damned thing about what it's like to be judged by the color of your skin. I didn't completely grok it at the time -- grok = deeply understand -- but I got her drift.
>>>I'm afraid I would have given her an earful! She doesn't have a clue about what it is like to be a man either! We've probably all been judged by our skin color at some time or another. It's a fact of life, but that doesn't mean it's right. I'm just not one to stand by and think how unjust it is without saying it out loud!
>>You would have given her an earful and she would have pinned you in 10 seconds, LOL.
>Now, that's a whole nuther argument. I contend women are smarter, stronger, meaner, etc than men. I've also learned that you cannot win an argument with one, even though you may think you have.<g>

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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