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How can that be legal?
03/05/2006 02:32:42
03/05/2006 02:21:23
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>>>>>This assumes a world which is not interdependent and where causes have only local effects.
>>>>Ok, what does that have to do with illegal aliens. I'm all for immigration, legal immigration that is. After all my family immigrated here in 1969 from Korea.
>>>>What is the immigration policy of South Africa? Do they accept anyone that crosses their border?
>>>Why do people think the best way to defend their position is to point a finger at another? This is the "two wrongs makes a right" defense. Just because SA has the same problem doesn't resolve it.
>>Same problem? So are you saying that the S. African gov't shouldn't have any border enforcement? You never seem to state you position. It's easy to ask rather then answer. :)
>We are not innocent of the problems of the world. People illegally immigrate for a reason. They dont really have choices. They are more often than not driven by circumstances and desperation. The market for illegal immigrants in the US (and in SA) are created by employers of those immigrants, by consumers who want lower prices, by governments who turned a blind eye, by history that saw entire countries and continents exploited, by oppressive regimes, by economics, by our beloved politicians, by .... Well, now the problems come home to roost and they are complicated and difficult to solve and now there are millions of them.
>I think that we must accept the immmigrants that are here now. Institute a stricter but more effecient immigration policy but also combine that with aid and upliftment programs and economic cooperation projects for those countries that border our own. If the situation in neighbouring countries is not improved then the problems will not go away and the illegal immigrants will continue to come. We live in a world which is interdependent and cause and effects span borders. No one is innocent of the problems the world has.

I don't necessarily disagree with any of that. I've already acknowledged that it is not practical or possible to deport the 11,000,000+ illegals that are here already. I also said I don't mind the illegals that much. It's the criminals that come here that's bad.

So, we agree.
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