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Ex-General hits the nail on the head
09/05/2006 16:57:04
09/05/2006 16:42:29
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We disagree about whether we should have invaded Iraq.

However, that has nothing to do with what I asked. I'm curious why you can't acknowledge anything good coming from Iraq. Why do you disregard any and all positive news? It seems like you're letting your hatred for the policy cloud your view of reality.

>I guess it depends on the old "glass half-full/Half-empty" analogy.
>My belief is that Iraq was a cluster-fu*k from the get-go. The entire mess was started because of the neocons belief that we we should topple a country in the middle east and establish a democracy that would spread in the region. The viewed Iraq as the easiest to accomplish this even earlier then the 1st gulf war.
>I don't know if you read some of my prior posts, but I even heard from someone who was part of the dept. of defense when the neocons were starting their political career. And how Reagan basically ignored many of their desires. The same was true of Bush sr.
>I have no doubt that the descriptions we've heard from several that there seemed to be a preoccupation with Iraq seconds after 9-11. The neocons had written in a document years ago, that they would need a special event to occur in order to get people to agree with an attack of Iraq. 9-11 became that event.
>They then set out to find any evidence they could that would support an attack of Iraq. How many times do you need to hear from someone how Bush/Cheney ignored any evidence that ran counter to the belief that Iraq was a haven for terrorists/Saddam had a massive WMD arsenal?
>They downsized our military precense in Afghanistan, where there was no question of the terrorist precense, to ramp up in Iraq. Many experts have described how this event alone is one of the major reasons we did not finish the job of eliminating/make a serious dent in Al Queda. Rather we have now strengthened them.
>It seems everyday US support of the war in Iraq drops. Instead of questioning my beliefs, why do you not see what the vast majority is seeing these days?
>>>>Most Iraqis think very favorably of the US.
>>>My Nephew is is stationed in Iraq for his third time. He is a Capt. with the Marines his job is data & communications. He disagrees with your statement, or at least he feels that the only time your liked is when your giving something away, or getting blown up.
>>>So is it beter to give then receive?
>>I don't think this discussion will go anywhere. In certain parts of the country things are going very well and the Iraqi people seem to be really grateful to the US. In others IEDs and mortar attacks are a daily occurance. Since my statement has added nothing to the discussion I'll take it back.
>>What I also find interesting is that this is the statement Perry and you jumped on. Neither of you acknowledged the positive stories I again brought to your attention. In fact you both snipped them out of your replies.
>>In your case it seems to be that you refuse to see anything good in Iraq. It seems like you want Iraq to become an unmitigated disaster and you refuse to acknowledge any news that looks at the positive accomplishments. I do not understand this mentality. Is it purly politics for you? Anything for a Democratic party win?
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