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Ex-General hits the nail on the head
09/05/2006 19:28:35
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>>>We disagree about whether we should have invaded Iraq.
>>>However, that has nothing to do with what I asked. I'm curious why you can't acknowledge anything good coming from Iraq. Why do you disregard any and all positive news? It seems like you're letting your hatred for the policy cloud your view of reality.
>>Since I share most of Perry's views - PMFJI. The few good things going on in Iraq are just that, a few good things. There's no way they can outweigh everything else, except in a well oiled propaganda machine. And this insisting on the few good things looks like a part of that propagandistic endeavour, sounds like a lawyer's targeted question. Are VFP tables 100% safe? Answer with "yes" or "no".
>>See what I mean?
>So let me get this straight. Suicide bombings and IED explosions are news but positive stories are propoganda? C'mon!
>Besides, as I've said, there are more than a few. There are dozens of stories every day. The tide is turning. Whether or not it takes another turn for the worse is yet to be seen, but in the past year there have been vast improvements.
>Formation of new government is finalizing
- How many MONTHS after the election that took WEEKS just to find the winners?

>The Economy has doubled prewar growth
- Pre-war was an embargoed sanctioned regime. Do you smell propaganda on this one?

>Reconstruction efforts are noticibly improved
- And how much reconstruction would have been required if there had been no war?

>There are more schools now then prewar
- Sounds dubious to me, but again, in an embaroged economy maybe schools and hospitals got the brunt of the cuts. Do you smell propaganda on this one?

>Iraqi Security Forces have taken over 50% of the country with eyes on 75% by the end of the year
- Meanwhile a graduating class last week tore off their uniforms when informed that they were to be stationed in dangerous zones far from home. Do you smell propaganda here?

>Nearly all children in the country have been innoculated
- And you don't think the economic embargo had anything to do with them not being so in the first place? Or this may even be one of those phoney 'improvements' if the real job was just getting the recently born done.

Tal Afar (sp?), mentioned by President Bush as a demonstration city of the progress happening, had a few bombings TODAY. Getting better????

SOuthern Iraq, always considered more invasion-friendly, saw crowds cheering when a Brit helicopter was downed. Once the fuse was long there, now it gets shorter and shorter.

Truly, I wish it was going better, because those people do not deserve to suffer as they are now. Many say they were "better off" under Saddam than they are now.
And this concept of "we'll see if they are able to grasp the freedom that's been handed to them" is a pure cop-out, a preparation for leaving the place in shambles.

But for the bottom lines of big connected U.S. corporations, and some Brit ones, the war is going very well indeed. And the oil corporations are very pleased that they continue to have a phoney excuse to have the barrel rate for oil at high prices.
Notice how neither the little guy in Iraq nor the little guy state-side is benefitting in the process.

>Every day there are more:
>insurgents/terrorists killed
>weapons caches found and destroyed
>Iraqis signing up for the police and military
>Iraqis tipping off security forces to insurgent activities

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