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Bush holds finger to wind, deploys National Guard
16/05/2006 11:32:52
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>>>It is being reported that in his televised speech tonight President Bush will deploy tens of thousands of National Guard troops along the U.S.-Mexico border to assist the border patrol (http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/05/15/immigration/index.html).
>>>My feelings about this issue, as well as this incumbent, are well known here by now so I won't rehash them. I will just say I regret he is doing this in response to political pressure. Whether I like it or not, the opinion polls show a majority of Americans want to stem, if not reverse, the immigration of Mexicans into this country. And now an embattled President is going to seize this emotional issue in an attempt to climb out of the ditch he has dug for himself.
>>>Whatever the short term outcome, I think this will be viewed as a shameful chapter in our nation's history. The current political climate reminds me uncomfortably of Germany circa 1935. "Deport them", "secure our borders", etc. -- these are code phrases that exhibit the darker side of the American dream.
>>If he's planning on deploying the National Guard I do not see how this helps him politically. The Democrats want amnesty, so they'll scream "racism" and the Republicans want a wall so they'll scream "not enough".
>This whole idea is completely nuts. Manning our borders like we're at Defcon 5 in preparation for a Martian invasion is not only hysterical, it flies in the face of the principles we were founded on and claim to epitomize. If we put up a wall on the Mexican border (whether bricks and mortar or troops) we can kiss goodbye any illusions we have of being a beacon of liberty. Bring us your tired, your poor -- we'll shoot them dead! Our borders will be safe!
>This is getting pretty Orwellian.

Last time I checked, no one has advocated shooting anyone.

PS : Thank you for removing your original first response line.
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