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Not likely in my lifetime
17/05/2006 13:34:47
17/05/2006 13:10:25
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>>>>I'd love to see it, but it ain't gonna happen in Cali.

>>Where to begin...
>>>Many see the rising gas prices as a good thing. Here's a quote from Mark Morford ... a rather witty columnist for SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle's online version):
>>>Gas at $3.50 and rising fast
>>>Oh, I know, it's hateful. It's painful. It costs 40 bucks to fill a Tercel, nearly $100 to fill that bloated Chevy Tahoe.
>>>But it's making us more aware.
>>He's right. I am more aware than ever that people have no concept of supply and demand. If you spend 30 years ensuring that the supply does not rise then you get what we have now.
>>>And by all accounts, America only responds and behaviors will only change when faced with ugly crises, especially those that maul our wallets.
>>America's gas prices are still the lowest outside of the middle east. Hardly an ugly crisis.
>I think, outside of the middle east and South America is what you actually meant.

I honestly wasn't aware of South America's gas prices.
I know Brazil is doing interesting things...

>>>Sure, oil companies are raking in record profits.
>>Sure the frderal and state governments are raking in record taxes.
>>>Man-snakes like this guy are gloating like hogs and sucking entire universes of gross profit through their enlarged prostates. So what?
>>Heaven forbid a company make a profit and then reward the CEO who guided them through the most profitable period in the company's existence. Especially considering his retirement package was reviewd by the board of directors, who are elected by the shareholders who benefitted from his leadership. Its a good thing that noone with a 401K or a pension provided by a union has any shares of big oil companies...err wait.
>>>We the ostensible First World moral trendsetters are long past due to kick-start a change in our energy gluttony.
>>We did, it's called nuclear. The rest of the world has embraced what we started and then stopped.
>>>Bonus: biodeisel, hybrids, ethanol discussions on the rise. None is a viable alternative at scale, but all are excellent starting points. Also: Mopeds could become cool again.
>>If you really want to get an alternative energy source online then lets do it seriously. Offer a BIG chuck of money (like 5 billion) to the first company that develops a clean source of energy that produces something like 10-20x the amount of energy it takes to create it.
>>>That's the only part of that particular column dealing with gas prices, but for anyone who wants to read the rest of his column, check out http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/gate/archive/2006/05/17/notes051706.DTL&nl=fix
Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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