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Problems with SQL Uniqueidentifier column and Remote vie
26/05/2006 07:22:02
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
General information
Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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Thanks Cetin,

This helps a lot.


>>>>Hi all,
>>>>I have a SQL SERVER Table with PK column defined as Uniqueidentifier
>>>>[CustomerID]  uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL ,
>>>>CONSTRAINT [DF_TR_TRAN_tr_id] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [CustomerID],
>>>>(Name:CustomerId RowGuid = Yes, Default value = Newid())
>>>>The problem starts when I try to update the above table using SQL Pass-through from Foxpro.
>>>>I have set up the cursor as follows:
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("FetchMemo", .T.)
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("Tables", "Customers")
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("UpdatableFieldList", "Col1, Col2... )
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("UpdateNameList", "Col1 Customers.Col1, Col2... )
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("KeyFieldList","CustomerId")
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("WhereType",  3)
>>>>	CURSORSETPROP("SendUpdates", .T.)
>>>>If I exclude the "CustomerId" column from the
>>>> "UpdatableFieldList" and "UpdateNameList" properties of the cursor,
>>>> - INSERT works ok,
>>>> - UPDATE and DELETE are throwing the following error :
>>>> "No key columns specified for the update table "name".
>>>> Use the KeyFieldList property of the cursor"
>>>>(Please note that KeyFieldList property of the cursor has been set corectly.)
>>>>When I add the "CustomerId" column to the "UpdatableFieldList" and "UpdateNameList"
>>>> - UPDATE and DELETE work fine,
>>>> - INSERT repors the error :"Invalid character value for CAST specification"
>>>>I guess I can't have it both ways.
>>>>Any ideas? Any help highly appreciated!
>>>Second version is the right one IMHO. It says invalid character for cast specification. Did you use some non hex digit as your GUID for insert?
>>>Guids are like:
>>I was trying to get away with empty CustomerId value, hoping that SQL server will do its work assigning the default value (NewId)
>>I guess I will have to do one more trip to SQL server getting the NewId() value and assigning it to the column from the client side.
>Oh Zoran NO,
>The beauty of a GUID is that you can create and send a key w/o a need to roundtrip to backend (besides it's unicity). IOW you know the key before even the backend knows. All NewID() does is to create a GUID and you can do that w/o help of SQL server. ie:
>replace myPKID with chrtran(getGUID(), '{}','') && strip {} - while it's valid to have them
>                                                && SPT returns c(36) stripped format
>* insert into mySPTCursor (myPKID) values (chrtran(getGUID(), '{}',''))
>* or
>* declared as default for myPKID on VFP side - jsut as NewID() is default on MSSQL side
>Function getGUID
>Declare Integer CoCreateGuid In 'OLE32.dll' ;
>  string @pguid
>Declare Integer StringFromGUID2 In 'OLE32.dll' ;
>  string rguid, String @lpsz, Integer cchMax
>Declare Integer UuidCreateSequential In 'RPCRT4.dll'  String @ Uuid
>Local pguid,rguid, lcOldError, lnResult
>lcOldError = On('error')
>On Error lnResult = CoCreateGuid(@pguid)
>lnResult = UuidCreateSequential(@pguid)
>On Error &lcOldError
>Return ;
>  Iif( InList(m.lnResult,0,1824) And ;
>  StringFromGUID2(pguid,@rguid,40) # 0, ;
>  StrConv(Left(rguid,76),10), "" )

Thanks Cetin,

This helps a lot.


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