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Mike Farrell speaks
30/05/2006 15:28:13
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For what its worth, Here's a story of an optimistic Iraqi woman.

I suppose she's too naive also.

>I can't tell you how offended I am by your belief that people want to see the US fail. You are so blinded by whatever juice you've drank that you feel the need to rationalize and frame everything like Fox news.
>You are so full of nieve optimism you fail to see the present. As if the parallels to Vietnam weren't obvious enough, we now have a full blown massacre.
>So everyone who believes that our occupation has emboldened the insurgency is wrong. Yet deaths continue to mount. As the deaths mount the call to withdrawl increases, yet because mine and others threshhold of acceptable deaths, for an unjust war is none, we are enemies of the state?
>You are a much, much bigger fool than I ever could have given you credit for.
>>>>>How about this: They most likely wanted to see a successful democratic government over there but believe that the admin running the show has botched it to the point of a hopeless impass. See? No WANT TO FAIL in the entire statement.
>>>>Most probably had this belief. If you're suggesting that no one wants to see the US fail then you are naive.
>>>NOBODY has been suggesting that "no one wants to see the US fail"
>>>What you are saying is that EVERYBODY who wants the US to leave Iraq WANTS to see the US fail.
>>>If that is what you believe then you are (pick the pejorative of your choice)
>>Don't forget the word "immediately". As in "EVERYBODY who wants the US to leave Iraq immediately WANTS to see the US fail." Don't forget that this is my opinion based on my perception of the current status of the war. I see the fledgling Iraq government collapsing if the US immediately pulls out. If we hold on, and go through a gradual withdrawl for another year or so, while the Iraqi security forces take full control, then I think they have the best chance of success. Because of this belief I believe those advocating for immediate withdrawl are looking to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".
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