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Datagridview - Checkbox
06/06/2006 14:07:47
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per emails from nSoftware, I believe i have to use the SDK to query for Items (or update to a newer ver$ion). So these are the 2 items ("563" and "ND-105") that u are pushing over? Is this code performing a search first though? I find that it errors out if some things... like items... are not unique.
XmlElement itemNameRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("FullName");
           itemNameRq.InnerText = "563";

           itemNameRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("FullName");
           itemNameRq.InnerText = "ND-105";
>This is the code to create a qbxml file and sending it to QB:
>            XmlDocument inputXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
>            inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null));
>            inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateProcessingInstruction("qbxml", "version=\"2.0\""));
>            XmlElement qbXML = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXML");
>            inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(qbXML);
>            XmlElement qbXMLMsgsRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXMLMsgsRq");
>            qbXML.AppendChild(qbXMLMsgsRq);
>            qbXMLMsgsRq.SetAttribute("onError", "stopOnError");
>            XmlElement itemQryRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("ItemInventoryQueryRq");
>            qbXMLMsgsRq.AppendChild(itemQryRq);
>            XmlElement itemNameRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("FullName");
>            itemNameRq.InnerText = "563";
>            itemQryRq.AppendChild(itemNameRq);
>            itemNameRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("FullName");
>            itemNameRq.InnerText = "ND-105";
>            itemQryRq.AppendChild(itemNameRq);
>            string input = inputXMLDoc.OuterXml;
>            //step3: do the qbXMLRP request
>            RequestProcessor2 rp = null;
>            string ticket = null;
>            string response = null;
>            try
>            {
>                rp = new RequestProcessor2();
>                rp.OpenConnection("", "IDN Inventory Item Request");
>                ticket = rp.BeginSession("", QBFileMode.qbFileOpenDoNotCare);
>                response = rp.ProcessRequest(ticket, input);
>            }
>            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
>            {
>                MessageBox.Show("COM Error Description = " + ex.Message, "COM error");
>                return;
>            }
>            finally
>            {
>                if (ticket != null)
>                {
>                    rp.EndSession(ticket);
>                }
>                if (rp != null)
>                {
>                    rp.CloseConnection();
>                }
>            };
>            //step4: parse the XML response and show a message
>            XmlDocument outputXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
>            outputXMLDoc.LoadXml(response);
>There is a section in the above where I'm doing 2 "CreateElements" with "FullName". Which is the item key. I don't have the SDK with me, but I remember that you can pass either FullName or one other column to retrieve individual items.
>This above isn't exactly perfect. It's a combination of reading how to accomplish XML in C# 2.0 and QB examples which are done in V1.0, I think. The books recommend XmlDataDocument, added in V2.0, but I haven't tried it yet.
>Is this what you're looking for?
>>Avoiding your checkbox question, are you searching the QB database before adding new ITEMS or are you just flagging items as having already been exported to QB? I have been using "nSoftware's IBIZ QB control" (http://www.nsoftware.com/ibiz/QuickBooks/) and the earlier version that i have doesnt provide for searching of items. Do you have some code u can share on how thats done?
>>>I'm creating a little system to interface to quickbooks inventory. I want the user to hit a button that will populate the system with the inventory items from qb. Then click a checkbox in the grid that will indicate which items that are necessary for the process.
>>>Using the smarttags I've added a checkbox column to the grid. Then in code, after I've retrieved the xml file from qb, I add 2 more columns for the item key and description.
>>>I noticed a little issue. If I click on any of the grid columns to reorder the grid, any checks are cleared.
>>>Any suggestions on what I need to set for the checkboxes to maintain their values?

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