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16/06/2006 04:47:12
Walter Meester
15/06/2006 18:32:22
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Hi john,

>The US is certainly a fashionable target at present. But I'm not sure all those who criticise have a full viewpoint of the good as well as the bad. There are many, many, many good things Americans do with no expectation of reward or recognition, just because they believe it is right. There are also other things they do that have allowed much of the world to live better lives. Many of those who criticise have benefited. For example, the freedoms taken for granted in Europe and Eurasia today would have been impossible if not for American arms.

>IMHO we just need to remember the good as well as the bad, and to be as ready to praise as we are to blame.

I alway have praised its open economy, its scientifical research and its military power, but recently I have a hard time to find much to be optimistic about, appart from the friendlyness of its citizens and the american dream. Can you list a few other things to praise?

Economically, I don't know where the US stands. It still is running quite well, but for how long? They have been eating the bread of their children for so long now (Their national debt is horrendous) I really wonder then the bomb goes off and drags the whole world into an economic crisis.

Politically, I only see disasters. Their ignorant and arrogant stance of forcing democracy in the world reminds me of the cruisades about 1000 years ago. Can you believe that they now are fighting the war lords in afghanistan they supported in their war against the russians and the taliban? In somalia, it is the other way arround: They are now supporting the war lords in their struggle against the islamic force: The same warlords that threw the americans out a decade ago. The political scandals of corruption in washington, ongoing scandals about violating human rights and a president that intrudes the right of privacy in the name of the war against terror.

Most problematic is the negative aura of G.W. Bush. The man has absolutely no charisma. Compare Clinton and Bush in this respect. Clinton could rob your grandma and still you would like him. If Bush wanted to help your grandma, you'd be very supicous of what is behind that. Like it or not this does play an important role in world politics.

Socially, well, 45 million people without health insurance, and increasing. Big corporations abusing their power (E.g. Wall mart) and are not scared to suppress their employees in any ways. The big buck rules withouth much governmental control or common sense.

World knowledge. This is also one of the problems. The US is a huge place, and many americans have no idea of the diversities of society, cultures and religions outside of the US. They have no idea how Joe Average lives and thinks in places like Pakistan, Iran, India or even in europe.
It is like the priest telling you how to live your life. Sorry but here we passed that stage 50 decades ago. Many are stuck in thinking in terms of their own world. Since these people are voters you can see that beeing reflected in the administration. But the fact is that there is 95% more world outside of the US, and there are a huge number of things the US could learn a lesson from. You'll have to accept that democracy is not the only way of ruling a country. You'll have to accept that things take time. You'll have accept that you cannot rule the world, without the rest of the world is oposing you, no matter what your intentions are.

Infrastructure. Since the US is vastely under-populated infrastructure is not as good as it could be. In most westerneuropean countries you'll see better infrastructure than in the US. New orleans gave us an example of the problems.

Millitary. A classic case of too much testosteron and lack of common sense. GI-Joe invaded iraq to help the people of iraq, but the sad fact is that after a few years after the 'liberation', John Doe is less safe in iraq than he was under saddam hussain. did we make any improvement for Joe average in the last few years? The same applies to Afghanistan. Are we really helping the people up there? or are we seeding more terror ?

Environmentally. There is not much to praise here as the US is rejecting about anything that aids the environment in the fear that it hurts economy (e.g. Kyoto).

Culturally: Ah, finally something positive. Every new american, does act as an american and enthousiastically raises the american flag and sings the song. I've enjoyed the american culture, though sometimes odd. I've never seen american hooligans at sport games (maybe there are, but I've never seen them) that are so notorious at the european continent.

But to summarize, don't you think that if a foreigner looks at america today and will be given a choice to turn his country into the american model, he would not be overwhelmed with enthousiasm? Especially in asia and the middle east, I think many would say. No thank you.


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