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Scan / Endscan and processing logic
05/07/2006 11:23:40
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Visual FoxPro
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP
Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>Ok, finally I've realized, that I can not use scan/endscan and I have to switch to
>>>>>for i=1 to reccount() + 1
>>>>Alowing that you missed 'skip' in a hurry, hv to ask ;
>>>>What is the diff ? It comes down to the same any way you turn it.
>>>>Weather u r doing for/skip/next or dowhile/skip/enddo or scan/endscan,
>>>>you are basically going arround the same bush.
>>>You missed the fact, that I'm looping for reccount() + 1. In other words, I do additional cycle for last record and I also made my if statement slightly different
>>>if not cCarrier_Name == m.lcCarrier_Name or m.lnI = reccount() + 1
>>>   * create file, etc.
>>>In other words, I needed to create a file for each different client and each different carrier. If I'm using scan/endscan, I have to repeat the code after the scan to create file for the last set of client/carrier. Originally I added a check in scan itself and was surpised, that my eof() or reccount() = recno() didn't work. But then I realized, that my logic dictates one additional loop, that I was able to achieve with for loop.
>>Hi Naomi,
>>You got me little bit confused now ...
>>If you prepared cursor BEFORE this action by having ONE distinct record for each client/carrier then whole thing should be pretty straightforward.
>> ->do your thing
>>No ifs, no buts, no thens , nothing before and nothing afterwards.
>>If cursor contain GROUPS of records that you hv to process and perform
>>action for each group of records within this cursor, then you need to
>>sort your cursor (order by / or index) - similar to as if you wanted to print ordinary grouped report out of it.
>>So your processing should be embeded in folowing nested scan/endscan construction - typical for grouped processing of records.
>>select curProcess && Order by pk
>>go top
>>  lcTrans_pk = curProcess.cTrans_pk &&grouped by PK
>>  *-> Here you do whatever BEFORE group of records is scanned
>>  scan while curProcess.cTrans_pk = lcTrans_pk
>>      *-> do whatever with EACH record of the group
>>  endscan
>>  skip -1 &&<-- Do not ommit this!
>>  *-> Here you do whatever AFTER entire group just passed/before new group
>>  *-> that wld be preparing file / updating related records for you here
>>  =PrepareYourFileAndUpdateRelatedData(lcTrans_pk)
>>Again no ifs,thens,buts recno()s eof()s bof()s etc.
>>Aldough I am sure you are NOT gonna go for this, but rather try to
>>fix your existing code (eh.. we all love our babies...)
>>- have this in mind next time you come across simmilar case :)
>This would work as well, but I don't see why 2 scans are better than one loop with if/endif?

Because there is no ifs,thens, reccount() eof()s bof()s and other
little traps comming to you now, or tmrw if you need to expand this *grouping* couple of more levels.
Let say this was not simple Pk, but some composit 3-part key value and you hv to expand your (now) little procedure to act on 3 levels.
Wld you still try to resolve it with countless ifs/endifs ?

I use this code-idiom for very long time like off-the-shelf solution, in various *grouped* processing scenarious and never gave me single problem. Folowing the same logic you can add as meny inner scans (levels) as you want, having very flexible playground to group-procces records , calculate values, produce output and all other things you can possibly think of.

Situation like your current problem, can be normally resolved in very little or no time at all, if you are aware of this conceptually, and you are simply implementing it - rather then reinventing it from scratch with ifs/endifs
and getting entire UT Allianz involved over this.

That is why I told you to keep in mind for some future implementations.
Don't try to compare it with your code, just try to grasp the concept.

If you were aware of it already, then I apologise for wasting your time.
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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