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Are you ready for the rapture??
19/07/2006 14:29:11
18/07/2006 23:32:47
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Hi Sam,

DraganN understood the point I was making rather clearly. I think you should be able to too.

I said that ***most*** Christians were tolerant, and that my experience is that ***most*** people of OTHER 'religions' and also athiests are tolerant too.

Now my list was composed of items that Christian LEADERS have been pushing on the rest of the country for decades, if not centuries. LEADERS, remember.
So while most people of the world ARE "tolerant", Christian religious LEADERS are known to be intolerant. That they may use words like "I love the person but not their lifestyle" is as phoney as it comes because these LEADERS want to MAKE LAWS SUPPORTING THEIR BELIEFS.

It's not OK by them for gays to just go on living as they do. It's not OK by them for a woman who may feel she needs to abort a child to be able to go ahead and do so. ETC. ETC.

If these leaders were "tolerant" they would preach these thing ONLY to those who attend their sermons and they would embrace any who did attend who admitted to one of the deviances they abhor.
You surely heard of the Christian church LEADER who believes that George Bush ought not to be President because he KNOWINGLY appointed a Vice-President who is KNOWN to have a gay DAUGHTER. Some "tolerance"!

I believe I'm thousands of time more "Christian" than any of these church leaders who want to IMPOSE THEIR DEFINITIONS - Christian 'definitions' - on EVERYBODY.


>>>>>Movies? hmmm well Ok....
>>>>Hey, that's as close as I got into the situation. And I know the Christianity in general was very loud when some movies weren't to their liking, so if all those movies were wrong, they surely had a way to complain.
>>>They usually don't complain when they're mocked, unless it deals with their core issue like questioning the devinity of Christ. Thus, you heard some grumbling about "Da Vinci Code" (Spell?). But even that didn't bother many Christians all that much. They certainly don't slice off heads or send out death threats. In short, Christians are probably the most tolerant people.
>>Christians the most tolerant people?... c'mon Sam.
>>I would agree that many Christians are tolerant, but I suspect the same goes for any other religion and for athiests too.
>>But have a look at the 'leaders' of many Christian "flocks" who are often prominent in the news.
>How many of them make it to the news? not many, just the same ones that are making headlines... and it's usually the same few over and over again.
>>They cannot tolerate abortion.
>Would Christ tolerate abortion as we know it?
>>They cannot tolerate any court challenge to removing "God" from public places.
>How about those who can't tolerate "God" in public places. BTW: it's only the Christian God they seem to hate. All other gods are ok. I wonder why?
>>They cannot tolerate homosexuals.
>They hate the life style. They love the person.
>>They cannot tolerate gay "marriage".
>They believe the Bible teaches that a marriage is between a man and a woman.
>>They promoted the return of the death penalty in the U.S. (true, though, no beheading).
>So... What is wrong with this? World is a better place without violent murderers.
>Is the world a better place with or without Jeffrey Dalmer and others like him?
>>They certainly do send out death threats (though in a different form than the Muslims).
>Ok. How?
>>They cannot tolerate women having any superiority over men.
>Oh, really?
>>They cannot tolerate sex in any form other than missionary in marriage.
>Huh? This is a joke... right?
>>They cannot tolerate books (like the Harry Potter series) because it mentions certain things.
>If you believe that ALL Christians can't tolerate this type of books, are you saying that ALL non-Christians love them?
>>They profess 'love thy neighbour' but if given the option to nuke a Muslim country they would do it in a flash (even Franklin Graham (Billy's son) suggested this after 9/11)
>They hate evil. They want to get rid of evil. But I guess this depends on what you think is evil, or if you believe that evil exist in the world.

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