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Bush vetoed the stem cell research bill....
20/07/2006 15:45:40
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I read an article on this subject. They were discussing the morning-after pill, and how these people don't want the pill allowed since it will obviously turn us all into sex starved maniacs.

The even scarier part, that has many scientists worried, is that these same people say they would have to think before allowing an aids cure to be released. Because it would obviously cause gays to have sex in the street.

>>>>You beat me to the punch, I was about to post the same thing.
>>>>Bush has done some pretty disappointing things, and this is near the top of the list. (And there are plenty of conservative republicans who are disappointed as well). One of these days, Bush has to show some onions and distance himself from the religious right.
>>>Exactly! Anyone who has (or has ever been close to anyone with) Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases or a spinal cord injury should be writing a letter to every twit who voted against this. For that matter anyone with diabetes should get a pen out too. Heck the more I think about it, the longer this list gets.
>>>I don't understand it. What kind of religious nutjob would rather see a bunch of living crippled, impaired, miserable people running around than to simply allow some research on embryos? Those who voted against this are the least-caring humans in our country!
>>And which church was it that heavily disagreed with the vaccine against the virus which causes cervical cancer, and under what pretext?
>Oh yes - this is another subject that really ticks me off. For some reason these conservative bible thumpers here in the USA are under the impression that vaccinating a woman against a deadly disease will turn her into a whore.
>Here's what Bridget Maher of the Family Research Council says:
>"Giving the HPV vaccine to young women could be potentially harmful because they may see it as a license to engage in premarital sex."
>Leslie Unruh, of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, says: "If you don't want to suffer these diseases, you need to abstain ... I personally object to vaccinating children against a disease that is 100% percent preventable with proper sexual behaviour."
>According to these folks and other bible tumping idiots - vacinate your daugther and you'll turn her into a tramp! So much for the so called "Christian compassion".

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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