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Iraq and the Elusive WMD's
24/07/2006 19:56:13
18/07/2006 01:15:03
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>As mentioned here many, many times by others, comparing the attack of Iraq to WWII, is, as the saying goes, a fools errand. There is no comparison between the 2. Obviously Germany was determined to rule the world, and Japan wanted a piece of it also.

Actually, no, that's an oversimplification. Germany wanted economic hegemony over Western Europe and to destroy Bolshevism and create living space in the East. Japan wanted to annex natural resources which they lacked and felt that Western colonial powers could and should be ousted from the East. Neither actually wanted to rule the world.

So let's look at Iraq. In 1980, it attempted to take strategic assets from Iran via aggression. In 1990, it tried the same with Kuwait and most likely had designs on Saudi Arabia as well. No attempt to "rule the world".

Exactly the same motivations as Germany and Japan in the 1930's. All it takes is a little insight into historical facts and not hyperbole. Who's the fool, Perry?

>Iraq was not currently at war with anyone. But our govt went to great lengths to put together the case for viewing Iraq as the enemy. This includes using evidence that was questionable in value, had not been proven false or true, and in the worse case evidence that had already been proven to be false.

Iraq was not at war with anybody because they had been contained and not because they were oh-so-peaceful. When not contained, they had proven to be very aggressive against neighbors. If there had been a world hyperpower in existance when Japan and Germany were messing around, I daresay they would have been contained as well, but that doesn't mean the intent was not there.

>As I've mentioned to others, you either buy into that it is clear some in the administration, most likely the neocons, had a plan, of which attacking Iraq was a major part of, or you don't. I do.

I can't answer that because to do so would be to substitute speculation for fact.

>I find it sad that some still cling to the notion that Iraq was our enemy and played a part in 9-11.

Iraq WAS OUR ENEMY. They didn't have to play a part on 911 to make that clear.

>As current events with Iran, N. Korea, etc. have shown, the war with Iraq has made not just the US, but the world less safe.

That's what's known as a non-sequitar, Perry. Like saying because I wear a VFP t-shirt my shoulders hurt.

>Many told Bush not to attack Iraq. That what would happen are the events that have happened. The world is a far less safe place thanks to bush and co.

OK, smart guy, answer this: What do the motivations of North Korea and Iran have to do with the US and Iraq? How did anything we did in Iraq have anything to do with the fact that those countries are ruled by ideological fanatics who always look for ways to destabilize their regions?

Dude, get you head out of your ideology and apply some knowledge and common sense. Sheesh, you're an easy target.

>>Sorry for the delay.
>>The rape isn't proven yet but if it is, I'm certain the culprits will be fully prosecuted. The Hadifa case is regretable, but in terms of an entire country of 24 million with 100,000 occupiers, stuff like this happens. Fact of war.
>>If we had the attitude you are promoting, then nothing good would ever be accomplished anywhere. Do you think there were no deaths or dislocations in Germany from 1945 to 1949? Or in Japan during that same period?
>>War sucks as it applies to affected civilians. It always has and always will. But to whine and moan about it while ignoring the potential greater good has a paralyzing effect and is counterproductive. Bad things will happen - prosecute the controllable bad things but accept that there will be random bad events that can't be controlled.
>>That's it in a nutshell.
>>>Why don't you go ask the relatives of the raped girl, or the relatives of the families slaughtered in Hadifa, or the families who have no home left because we destroyed their home.
>>>We caused a can of worms to open. And we continue down the same destructive path, hoping to close it.
>>>How many deaths, before you realize we can't just continue this way?
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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