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Iraq and the Elusive WMD's
28/07/2006 00:04:00
27/07/2006 23:28:16
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Last reply to you since I don't like wasting my time with people like you.

What have all the deaths accomplished. Given people like you a rush because you can look at all the death and destruction on the nightly news. Hope you have fun getting off. Here let me help you, enjoy:


>Hi Perry,
>I had a really detailed reply for you and then I hit the wrong key and it went "phhht" and was no more. So this is summary :-)
>>I am most certainly not a policy wonk for either side. To me it just appears to be common sense that a war was started for all the wrong reasons.
>Common sense is generally not defined as what you agree with.
>>With just a little research you'd fine numerous people willing to testify to the extent members of the administration and Cheney in particular went to put together a portfolio justifying an invasion. They ignored warnings about using some pieces of information, while persuing a policy of acquiring as much "evidence" as possibly that painted Iraq and Saddam in the worse possible light.
>Anytime the nation embarks on a war the wonks will go out of their way to justify it. Normal. Wilson did it, Lincoln did it, Roosevelt did it.
>>Then, just to make sure they could screw up worse then could ever be possibly imagined, they took resources from a an area that desperately needed as much resources as possible. So we now have 2 international situations in search of solutions that are not anywhere in site...Iraq and Afghanistan.
>I'm sure they thought that way when it was planned.."Jeez, how can we screw things up! I dunno, ask Cheney!" Partisan BS, Perry.
>>If anyone has an incomplete view of history, it's you! Bush Sr, stopped a war in Iraq when he reached a point of no-return. He listened to advisors who told him about the can of worms that would be opened should the coalition topple Saddam. Much like Powell telling bush jr, that if you break Iraq, you own it. Powell, by the way, was forced to resign in discrace, knowing he was used as a tool by others in the administration to speak unsubstantiated events in front of the UN.
>Perry, you are simply misinformed. Bush Sr. stopped the war for diplomatic reasons as he had a mandate to kick the Iraqis out of Kuwait but nothing more. What is this "can of worms" crap? Where do you get that from? Oh, yeah, Powell was "forced" to resign. Yeah, right. Quote a GD news source for that.
>>So it's you who owes me an apology, as you seemed to gloss over the fact that you've made comments about civilian deaths in Lebanon, while completing ignoring the level of bloodshed we've unleashed in the Iraq region.
>Perry - it's idiots like you who make it a requirement of folks like me to vote to make sure that the clueless never exercise power.
>>I firmly believe that bush jr. has made the world a far more dangerous place then he found it. He has no concept of foreign policy whatsoever.
>That's fine that you believe that way. Doesn't make it fact.
>>Many are now calling for Rice's resignation based on her lack of experience handling the type of events she is now resonsible for. Based on bush's handing of rumsfeld I would never expect him to do anything with rice.
>LACK OF EXPERIENCE???? OK, now I know you're an idiot. Ever read her resume? Wanna compare her to morons like Albright?
>>If we survive this mess for another 10 yrs, I can guarantee you history will not be kind to this administration.
>>Any other questions?
>It's hard to question a partisan hack with preformed opinions.
>I will say this: If you ever get into a geopolitics quiz with me I will thrash you. You don't understand anything.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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