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>>>I heard this on TV couple of days ago. I was not surprised because thru the years I’ve heard of many conspiracy theories. They are fun to watch. I guess it stimulates your mind.
>>>I did not have a chance to watch this video totally, but I got the point.
>>>Wonder how many people actually believe the current administration or any government body in the US would actually plan something like this.
>>>If so, do you think we are living amongst our own terrorist?
>>I would hope that no one would be that stupid - but then again look at the bozo who made the film - and there are people out there who are just blind to the obvious and truth. NO, the goverenment didnt do 9/11, we DID land men on the moon, jews WERE killed in WWII, Elvis IS really dead, and there are NOT any little green monsters from far away galaxy's flying in their spaceships all the way to earth only to pickup the dumbest redneck hillbilly they can find. These irgnorant conspiracy theories have 2 effects on my, one just wants to laugh, the other freaks me out cause people actually fall for this b.s..
>I suppose you're going say there are no aliens in Area 51. And that it was just a weather balloon ... :)

NO little green men and yeah weather ballon, tin foil, whatever. Hey it was a good little hoax to get sucker toursits to come to a little po-dunk town in the middle of no where and buy t-shirts and little model spaceships - and hey it works - this supports the whole darn town! These little space monsters sure are sneeky - only showing themselves to wackos and hillbilly readnecks...and neeeeever ever leave a shread of proof behind....hahaha.. Area 51 - yeah ok that DOES exists - gotta have some place to build things like stealth bombers (and its not like you can't see the place).
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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