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When 'U.S. troops leave Iraq' will it be all of them?
30/08/2006 13:48:28
30/08/2006 13:05:14
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I didn't see the documentary from start to finish. I wasn't aware he was making those insinuations. I would place a comment such as that in the category of those who believe that the destruction of the World Trade Center was a govt conspiracy. These folks have probably caused the price of aluminum foil to rise due to all the hats they are making.

I think this was just a situation that was highly political. And since the time the levee was initially built, money that should have been ear-marked to build a better levee was shuffled around for other causes.

I had 2 major feelings when watching the documentary. First, a wave of sadness over Americans having to suffer as some of those did. The comment that aid was sent to the Tsunami victims faster then to New Orleans, if true, is a disgrace.

The second feeling was over the incompetence of those in charge. Bush has already said "I make the decisions because I'm the decider". Well it doesn't appear he made any decisions when Katrina was first happening. The photo of him watching from Air Force One says it all. In times of disaster you always feel better when those in charge have their feet on the ground. As they talked about when Lyndon Johnson was out there with a flashlight, personally reviewing the NO disaster during his days.

>What did you think of it? I wouldn't really call it a documentary since there is a lot that is not substantiated - but other than that, it was informative. Are you insinuating that you believe Spike Lee's view that the levees were intentionally blasted by the government?
>>Here you go...my last comment since this is a good time killer, but nothing else. I'm watching Spike Lee's Katrina Documentary. A quote to remember by someone when describing the Fed's Katrina response:
>>"George Bush give's C students all over the world a bad name"
>>You obviously believe the tripe that the govt is spitting out these days. From your comments, I think a big part of it is because you want so much to believe that we have a cowboy type president who's going after the enemy in the middle east.
>>The fact that he's cost so many lives is lost on you. You continue to regurgitate neocon talking points despite the absolute failure. Just the concept of a "Bush Doctrine" would be laughable if so much blood hasn't been spilled over it.
>>>>But in this case, I do have to point out that I just spit out my diet coke all over. Talk about comic relief. You really, firmly believe?:
>>>>"(B) we didn't go there for the oil in the first place."
>>>>This one statment alone points out why any discussion is futile. Although I, as well as several others I've shared this quote with thank you for the good laugh.
>>>Bite me, Perry. Come back when you have something useful to add to the discussion.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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