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Why only kurd flag at North Iraq's flagstaff?
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I agree with your analogy and the historic evidence. Such an act would lead to a larger war then one between Iran and the United States. It will happen sooner or later be the players Iran, North Korea or any other nation.

I think that the major challenge we face is that religious zealots are driving the action and their believers will follow like lemmings. A lot of innocent people will be killed. Attacking now will delay a more serious confrontation until sometime in the future.

The question is should we use conventional warfare? Send in the troops? Drop a nuclear bomb? If we used the bomb perhaps other idiots would take us seriously! I think that we are paranoid because of the use of the bomb during World War II.

If we want our freedom then someone has to pay the price. Be a threat to me and you will go up in smoke!

Declare the war in Iraq won and move on to Iran? How about training the Iraqi Security forces and have them attack Iran?

The president declared who the members of “The Axis of Evil” are but what has he done about it?


>Yikes... that might be hairier than the immigration joke I posted a while ago.
>Except that mine isn't a joke. ;)
>We've been justified in bombing Iran since 1979. Iran is become today’s equivalent to Nazi Germany. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to wield a nuclear club and wants to "wipe Israel off the map."
>Violent Shiite militias that seek to impose an Islamist dictatorship are funded, organized, and take their ideological inspiration from Iran. Iran is ALREADY fighting a war against the United States. We just haven't really been fighting back.
>Iran's tentacles even extend beyond the Middle East. Iran tried to cultivate an alliance with Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, including discussions about providing the anti-American firebrand and protégé of Fidel Castro with nuclear technology.
>It's widely acknowledged that World War II was made far more horrible by the years in which free nations appeased Hitler, allowing him to strengthen his armies before he took over Europe. That analogy lends itself to one conclusion: the sooner we attack Iran, the better.
>There can be no victory in the War on Terrorism until we confront—and defeat—the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is the real war, and it's time we started fighting it.

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