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Head-in-the-Sand Liberals
20/09/2006 10:04:08
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It's not a war and it's not winnable by conventional means. That is the fundamental mental barrier we all have to cross before we can approach the issue constructively. And that's all of us, as I tried to say before -- Republicans, Democrats, independents, opt-outs.

I am so tired of labeling. It isn't constructive and demeans all of us. On my way to work now there is a huge billboard, just before O'Hare on the Tri-State, advertising what I assume is a right-leaning talk radio station. "Liberals Hate Us" it announces in 80,000 point bold. This is how polarized we have become as a nation. (And yes, I would be just as disappointed to see a "Conservatives Hate Us" billboard).

I agree with you we are facing a great threat to our way of life. Where we disagree is how we should respond. I don't have the answer, and don't claim to, but don't think invading entire nations is the answer. Nor do I think it even engages the elusive, fluid enemy. Testosterone goes only so far.

Change of subject, I was thinking of Houston today. It was a year ago today that I left Houston, right around this time of day. I went down there on a Katrina relief project and we were forcibly evacuated on the Thursday, in advance of Hurricane Rita. Several of us, including me, said this is overreaction, hurricanes are just a lot of rain by the time they get 50 miles inland, but the project sponsors were adamant. After Katrina everyone was erring on the side of caution. So off we went. We dropped off 4 of the volunteers who had flown in at Bush International Airport (grrrr), people sitting on each other's laps on the drive there -- it's amazing how quickly people bond under such circumstances -- and then hit I-45 north. It was a traffic jam I hope I never see again, every bit the evacuation scene you have seen in news clips. Dead pets on the side of the road, broken down cars, crying children. It was past midnight when the gas pedal finally brought us some air to breathe -- 40 mph, whoo hoo! -- and 5 a.m. when we got to Ray's sister's house near Dallas. She and her husband had stayed up waiting for us and greeted us like prodigal sons and daughters. She made muffins, scrambled eggs, and coffee, then showed us to freshly made beds. We probably only slept 5 hours or so before hitting the highway again but that was GREAT sleep, you know what I mean? Whenever I hear the phrase "Southern hospitality" the rest of my life Tracy will be exactly who I think of.

>The point was to illustrate several things, chief among them being that there are much greater issues that should be occupying the liberal mind other than the constant wailing and knashing of teeth over Bush. I'd like to hear solutions coming from the left, instead of a constant barrage of "Bush is a moron" and "Cheney is going to eat my baby".
>We are facing, in my mind, one of the greatest threats to our way of life since the rise of Fascism in the 1920's. And yet, as the author points out, liberals are constantly getting wound up about non-issues such as whether the term "Islamofascism" is correct or not. And, unfortunately, the reaction of a lot of people here simply confirms what the author is saying. Hey, this is one of your own, guys! Does that not mean anything to you? Forget the fact that a conservative posted it, let's debate what the man is saying!
>So, no apologies from me. I didn't write it. I'm just suggesting you read it. If it makes you uncomfortable, that's the point. We are at war, a war not of our own making, a war that will go on for years until radical Islam either wins or is reduced to a fringe element, much as radical Christianity is now. The sooner we collectively realize this and pull together to fight it, the better.

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