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Iraq's OWN money squandered, frauded, stolen
06/10/2006 14:44:36
06/10/2006 11:07:40
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Actually, thinking about it more. I think the repubs have built a house of cards that has fallen down on them.

First, they promote themselves as the party of morals. Then have a member whose been supportin antigay legislation for years come out of the closet with his sexual behavior. Another guy come out of the closet with his gambling behavior...and the list continues.

Second, they developed a strategy of hammering on their opponents, not necessarily with the truth, on topics that they discovered resonate very well with voters. Such as the swiftboaters, Rove's strategy of push polling, where asking a question puts negative thoughts in a voters mind, etc.

Third, they've promoted the notion of a "liberal media" as an excuse to build massive media machines that hammer home whatever the message of the day is. But they've used this machine to split America. They've painted anyone who doesn't agree with their message as the enemy. An example is a quote I heard from Rush yesterday talking about Foley. I don't remember the exact quote, but something like "the dems support imperfect humans". Meaning gays in this case.

>>>I think it IS related, or just exposes the bigotry of the whole nomenklatura. On one side they tout the death penalty as the necessary measure to deter violent crime, and yet do nothing, or do even less than nothing to deter crime in their own ranks. "Less than nothing" is not to be read separately from "to deter" - it's when they defend their own bad apples as long as they can.
>>You are still missing the point Dragan. You two can play word games as long as you like but it doesn't change it. IT is bad - it is cronyism - there is corruption - but it is the SAME as it has always been. The Republicans or even the current administration is not behaving any differently than past administrations and the other parties. It is still just as bad - but they are not any more responsible for the situation than the Clinton administration was during that timeframe - nor are they any less. As long as you blame the Republicans and Dan blames the Democrats - it will never change.
>>It is the PERSON not the PARTY.
>It is the party which not only attracts such persons, but gets them launched high in the hierarchy. It's the party culture where a person's political value is less influenced by their morality, skill, or any other positive trait, and far more by the money they can rake in for the next campaign.
>There will always be scum, I'm not denying that. The question is why are the parties welcoming the scum and putting them so high in their ranks? And, IMO, the current set of Republicans much more so than the current set of Democrats.
>Historically, I agree, they usually differ as much as Pepsy and Coke.
>At some point in Sloba's times, someone said Serbian people should get the Nobel prize for peace.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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