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North Korea Detonates Nuclear Device
10/10/2006 11:41:47
10/10/2006 11:39:46
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>>>>>>The "nuclear club" just got bigger - when most of us have hopes to shut that club down entirely some day. Declaring countries members of the "Axis of Evil" seems to goad them towards nuclear weapons. Maybe there's a lesson in there somewhere.
>>>>>It's driven by the CASH starved N. Korean govts' desire for money. Kim Jun-Il duped Clinton, Albright and Jimmy Carter out of billions and he's trying to do it again. The little tantrum about being included in the "Axis of Evil" was just an act.
>>>>I just don't get this whole N Korean thing. I understand that hostilities twixt them and the US still haven't officially ceased, there never having been a ceasfire signed, yet the US has propped up the basket-case regime for years, essentially her enemy, And doesn't the US help feed these people, as their own crops fail miserably. Yet NK always seems to "bite the hand that feeds it". I know there's talk of sanctions and all but, wouldn't just witholding food and aid bring them to their knees?
>>>You're talking too much logic Terry.
>>>The only reason I have is that the so called "International Community" don't have the heart or the "gut" to stop the aid. No aid ever goes to those that really need it anyway. It's all taken by the party and redistributed to their "friends" or sold to the highest bidder.
>>All the MORE reason to stop aid!
>Terry you're preaching to the choir here. I agree.

Oh I didn't suspect I'd be CONVERTING anyone to my view here - just voicing an observation on the absurdity of international diplomacy. :-)
>>>The rest continue to go hungry and starve to death. Hopefully the world is on to this now and will wake up.
>>>The sooner N. Korea goes under, the better off the world will be. But unfortunately the people of N. Korea will suffer through all this unless a miracle happens in their govt.
>>I feel the same about Zimbabwe and that evil b*****d Mugabe. Trouble is HE's being courted by the Chinese now, I think. Similarly, the already-suffering people will suffer even more if we take action against him. Best wait till he dies (preferably in agony), as he's getting on a bit now.
>Well as you know, China will seek allies for oil where ever they can. They don't worry about human rights with those they deal. They don't care about it and they need oil.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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