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Boycott Rush Limbaugh
27/10/2006 09:46:40
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I am almost always surprised at the lumping of a state into 'red' or 'blue.' When you speak with those you meet or know, it really always seems balanced pretty much 50/50. I guess it really is the voter breakdown into districts which manages that separation. In fact, most people I know are really alittle bit democrat, alittle bit libertarion, and alittle bit republican - hmmmmm, I hear a song in that...

>Not so surprised given how different the two states are politically. Illinois is a blue state and NC is a red state. Well, other than the Blue Devils and Tar Heels <g>.
>>You would be surprised at how many people in North Carolina liked him! He was the talk of the town for awhile...
>>>Alan Keyes is basically a psycho. He was a laughingstock in Illinois by the end of his -- sorry, the word just fits -- carpetbagging campaign against Obama in 2004. The Republican candidate had to drop out due to skeletons in his closet and Keyes was brought in in a desperation move. He lost by an eyepopping amount, something like 80% to 20%. And please keep in mind that Illinois is solidly Republican south of Chicago. Keyes could barely get his foot out of his mouth fast enough to insert it again.
>>>>Alan Keyes basically called Obama a terrorist:
>>>>>>>>It's crap like this that makes me want to back a good non-liberal Democrat.
>>>>>>>You mean like John McCain? Or wait is that a non-conservative Republican?
>>>>>>McCain, who I respect a lot, and will vote for if he runs, is conservative in most of his views. I like him not because of his positions but because I feel I can trust him. His recent genuflection to the religious right, the bedrock of the Republican base, is the first thing about him that has troubled me. I hope he doesn't go there. Straight shooting is his whole appeal. If he gives that up he's just another pol.
>>>>>>Another potential boundary crosser I am watching closely is Barack Obama from right here in Illinois. There is already Presidential talk about him, which I think is premature. Still, he's an intriguing guy. I heard him speak once and he was impressive without hardly saying anything. It was one of the two big annual events put on by the volunteer organization I am involved with, Chicago Cares, on the Saturday closest to Martin Luther King's birthday. The volunteers paint schoolrooms, haul away debris, and the like. Obama had just been sworn into the Senate a few days before and was the featured speaker on a panel of dignitaries including Mayor Daley. He wore dress slacks and a sweater and spoke like a normal human being, not a political shouter of slogans. (Hillary is TERRIBLE that way). He said thank you for getting out of your bed and coming down here this cold January morning -- which it sure was -- and doing some good for our city. He said a couple more things and sat
>>>>>>down. Poifect.
>>>>>I am a Democrat but I vote for people based upon other than party affiliation. To me trust is everything. Does the person come across as honest? I do like McCain for that. Barack Obama seems like a truthful person “not full of himself”.
>>>>>A republican I would have voted for was Alan Keyes. I like him as a person and personality.
>>>>>It may not seem possible but had Johnson run for reelection I would have voted for tricky Dick (Nixon). My family might have disowned me for that! :)

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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