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Any idea on number of VFP developers using DBF vs SQL/my
27/10/2006 09:52:49
Alexandre Palma
Harms Software, Inc.
Alverca, Portugal
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Cecil I'm not a shame of being a VFP developer note tha, in the past I was even a strong VFP defensor.
Now the marketing support for VFP is even things from the past, the things is that VFP 9 was VFP last version, there wouldn't be a VFP 10, 11 or 20.
Saying that i'm not saying that everyone should abandon VFP and should move to .net I went to .net and VB.net instead of c# or java cause I like more to vb language then the {} part.
I use conjuction of VFP with .net alot, since I have things developed in both languages but I must say that is hard to go back from .net intellinsense and code arrangement to VFP.
It had been almost 3 years whitout coming to UT, as I said to Tracy I was having a stress day and decided to check out UT for a change and the I become addictive to it again.

What I'm trying to say to migrating developers is that don't take for granted what teh so call experts ( and this has no intention be ofend anyone) tells you and use your own head.

as I said I knew I was openning the pandora box and that was going to be hammered.

>Alexandre, you have some very good points. It is hard to argue with a declining market for VFP and no support from Microsoft for marketing. We call this situation something similar to having a red-haired step-child.
>However, if you had been at the recent Southwest Fox 2006 Conference in Tempe, Arizona, you'd have seen Craig Boyd's demonstration of Visual FoxPro and how you can combine it with .NET successfully and do many other things which .NET right now cannot do. I know that the .NET developers at Microsoft are working toward better data handling which may finally be seen in the Visual Studio 2007 edition; who knows what they will call it then?
>The improvements in data handling are coming directly from the examples set by Visual FoxPro. Some of the improvements in SQL server, have come from Visual FoxPro. It seems that Visual FoxPro has some great qualities that other products only have in pieces, not as a whole package. If I were to develop an application for a large company, I would still use Visual FoxPro as my main development tool and would probably use a combination of FoxPro tables, SQL Server or MySQL (can't beat the price).
>If you had seen all the neat things that our long-time Fox Developers presented at the Southwest Fox 2006 Conference, including even some .NET things, you'd not be so quick to abandon Visual FoxPro for .NET. In my own case, I desire to improve my .NET developing skills and add them to my Visual FoxPro skills. I am proud to be a VFP developer and do not look down upon it. I would also be happier if .NET were a better product than it is now. VS.NET is still growing and it is growing because of the Visual FoxPro Developers who have contributed to its improvements. I am saying that if it were not for the influence of VFP Developers, .NET would not be as good as it is or as it will become.
>I prefer C#.NET to VB.NET. I really wish that they'd have dropepd all the old VB 6.0 things like SUB, etc. I think VB is a great language, but part of it is just plain ugly when compared to Visual FoxPro's simplicity. Okay, I guess that'll start a little war.
Alexandre Palma
Senior Application Architect

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