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Any idea on number of VFP developers using DBF vs SQL/my
27/10/2006 10:08:48
Alexandre Palma
Harms Software, Inc.
Alverca, Portugal
27/10/2006 09:56:47
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Visual FoxPro
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
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peter i'm 34 but i've worked with vfp since foxpro 2.0 for dos before that I used clipper, I've been working with vfp for 15 years atarted to work full time for a company with foxpro 14 years ago.
now isn't the time that make's u an expert, it helps u know the language but I always said that programing isn't something u can learn how to be good, is just like math ur good cause is a gift that born with you or not.

Note that i'm not saying to anyone that they should move from VFP or any other language to .NET.
I just made a question as said to robert perhpas was wrong to made the question under this thread instead of a new one. But what the heck I feelt this morning that was a good day to be hammered ;)
Not me nor anyother person can tell someone you should change.

>your arguments are probably correct.
>But I think if i would be to change dev tools I would go to java and Sqlserver.
>I hear a lot more work is being done in java than in .net. and it's cross platform.
>I installed VS2005 on one of my machines for use with webconnection 5 and it is a HOG!
>It took almost 2 hours just to install it.
>and I really don't care if MS has a new VFP version coming or not.
>If I would be 22 or 32 I probably would care but at 62 who gives a hoot. I don't.
>And lokking at your picture you seem closer to 32 than 62.
>>Why Peter don't you think when the back end is Sql Server or my Sql VFP looses most of the advantages it had over .NET?
>>And I'm not even talking in spend new development on a language that had is last release with Version 9, since now there is only the Sedna initiative and that will not bring any new VFP versions.
>>I know that there are still people that develop in Cobol and FoxPro 2.6 Dos and Windows.
>>Now do you think that a developer that never developed in VFP that only worked with FoxPro 2.6 should learn VFP now instead of .net?
>>And what about Companies that develop software for commercial purpose like the company I work for do you think they should still do new development in VFP?
>>The company I work for still has the main selling application in VFP but all new development have been done in vb.net some connecting to SQL Server db's other to existing VFP data, But next year we should start rewriting that main application in .NET.
>>In the past our competitors used to say to potential clients why would they go with a product that was developed in a language that Microsoft didn't supported anymore and that was a lie at that time, you can say even now is a lie, but I saw the Writing in the wall 3 years ago on my last VFP devcon I went in palm springs, by then I said to my boss and people that worked with me that VFP8 that was launch on that time was going to be 1 of the last vfp releases and I was not mistaken.
>>I know I'm opening the Pandora box here and that allot of people will be hammering me, cause of the VFP passion, but I always beloved in the best tool for the work and in my opinion and I'm entitle to have one even if everyone disagrees with it, right now VFP is no longer it and I don't understand why new people that want to start an application from scratch would do it in VFP.
>>>>Oh boy i'm going to start a new discussing but I can't let this pass.
>>>>And in the case where we have people using VFP to connect to SQL why are they using VFP and not .NET?
>>>Why should they. Do you REALLY think .NET is better at DB application?
Alexandre Palma
Senior Application Architect

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