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31/10/2006 19:01:26
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Speaking only for myself, I do not consider GWB evil. Just unwise and grievously deficient in the skills required by his office.

I agree with you, and others, that it would be more productive to seek an effective exit strategy than just play the blame game. Hallelujah for that. It's just that good answers are hard to come by in this case, which may be why we aren't hearing any.

Frankly, I can't muster much enthusiasm. Regardless of whose fault it was that Iraq has turned into such a quagmire, it seems like a religious/ethnic civil war is inevitable -- in fact is already underway IMO -- and we could stay there for decades without doing any good. So do we keep throwing billions of dollars and who knows how many lives at it?

I am *not* saying cut and run. Having started this war, and with our stature as the sole world superpower (a role that grows smaller with each passing day), we have a certain responsibility to do our utmost to find a decent outcome. But for how long? How long do you have to go on failing before you admit it isn't happening? Maybe at some point it's better to lance the boil.

>The theory of Bush Jr going after Saddam was circulating before he won the election. I mentioned it to friends of mine at that time and no one took it seriously.
>Still, it is tiring listening to nonstop criticism of the evil George Bush when no realistic resolution is every presented by ANYONE. We CANNOT leave Iraq and leave her citizens with the mess we have created. We now have a real responsibility. It will take worldwide involvement to SOLVE IT. That is the avenue we should be pursuing instead of banging the evil George Bush gavel over and over...
>>Oh please, don't go there again. That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard as an excuse for our nation to be involved in this mess.
>>It's obvious this was all about oil and helping out bush's pals and advancing neocon policy. They offered Saddam is the devil as an excuse for people such as yourself to buy into their thinking.
>>There's a theory going around that this is all about bush jr. going after someone who tried to get his dad. Do you think it's okay to send 3,000 Americans to their death, and many more thousands getting seriously injured because of someone's ego trip?
>>>By your logic then we'd have never bothered with WWI or WWII either.
>>>>So, lets throw American troops into the meat grinder to stop someone who wasn't
>>>>killing Americans to start with.
>>>>hhmmmm. The logic escapes me

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