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Kerry’s comments
01/11/2006 12:49:53
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
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>>OMG. I don't recall saying I was anti-military - I'm just anti-getting-our-kids-killed-for-oil-and-lies. If you're so
>>gungho why aren't YOU STILL in the military? I don't put myself so high above others as to attempt to dictate who deserves
>>what either.
>One can only serve so long and then you a required to retire. Since I'm pushing 60 and the military is a young man's game, it was time for me to leave. You remind me of the viet-nam era peace-niks who threw rotten eggs and such. I had a few spit on me ... The practices may have changed in the meantime, but obviously your motivation has not.

I haven't said anything negitive about the soldiers have I? Just the PRACTICES of the recruiters.

>>I never said they were the enemy. I was simply saying I don't trust them and their practices are horriable. (Targeting >poor neighborhoods for example).
>Again, I served 3 years as a recruiter and we didn't target poor neighborhoods. That is pure liberal anti-military propaganda. Try to be real and look at the facts instead of some make-me-feel-good website that supports your cause.

Then you were one of the good recruiters - but there is even an ex-military person here on this fourm that points out that they DO target poor neighborhoods. Face it, the odds of a poor person joining are a lot better than a middle-class person joining. Hey, if it was pease time, and I wanted to goto college and no finincal means to do so, it would look pretty darn attractive, riiiiight?

>>I'll assume, based on the context of the rest of your reply, that you're being sarcastic and are attempting to get me upset >- which I'm not going to do. I'll simply say that you've never met me, no nothing about me other than I'm a VFP developer, >and have no clue as to what I appreciate or have any knowledge of my experiences or relationships with former and current >military personal - so where the heck you came up with that I have noooo idea.
>I guess the truth hurts. You're right, I don't know you; have never met you, but I bet my characterization of you is spot on. Your words and actions speak loudly to that point.

Well I'm just exercising the freedom of speach that others have fought so hard for me to have... but you don't see me knocking someone for being in the military do ya? Just because I think the war is wrong, doesn't mean that I have a problem with the military - just the bozo's telling em' what to do!
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