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Kerry’s comments
01/11/2006 12:29:47
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Fair enough. And in fact Kerry backed off a little today. (Which I wish he hadn't done; in for a penny, in for a pound, I say).

You know what? During my loooong commute home today I had plenty of time to think and actually changed my mind about something. Yes, it does happen <g>. I am going to get one of those Support Our Troops thingamabobbers (quoting my older daughter) and put it on the bumper of my car. Yeah, we all support the troops. It doesn't hurt to say it anyway. They're in an awful situation over there and some of them don't get to come home. So where do I get one?

>Mike, I totally agree with you. I don’t know of anybody who doesn’t love the troops.
>That’s exactly why I’m trying to separate Bush from the picture.
>I was only pointing out K’s comments. That’s all. I want to believe he did not mean it, and that at the end he wanted to say something like "if you don’t study you’ll end up like BUSH stuck in Iraq". But it did not come up like that.
>And you know what, this is all this B.S political game; Dem and Rep are guilty here. They play this ping-pong of words and are not careful they may offend somebody who may not follow the match. And I am refereeing to the troops here. The starved for what’s going on at home, and when they hear this, how you think they feel?
>This is not about yours or mine political affiliation. This is about how our leaders having a cat-fight and sending the wrong message to our troops. That is what we are missing here, not you or I supporting our troops. Like you said, that’s a no-brainer.
>>This argument makes me want to howl every time I hear it -- that if you criticize or disagree with the Bush administration's policies in Iraq you are criticizing the troops. (In some fervent minds this gets extended to ENDANGERING the troops). I don't know about you but I don't know anyone, not a single person, who is against the troops. That's such a no-brainer I don't even like the Support Our Troops decals on cars. Not because I disagree but because it's so obvious I don't know why it needs to be stated, why it needs to be turned into a bumper sticker. If there's anyone who is against the troops, who doesn't appreciate what they do for all of us, they're not someone I want to know. I just think that whole angle is an exercise in spin, specifically blame displacement.
>>>Of course it was a joke!!
>>>In your view GWB is doing something repulsive; But I don’t understand, should Kerry be condone for these remarks?
>>>I don’t care what anybody thinks of Bush, but I get offended when somebody calls our military retards.
>>>When they are fighting, *for our sake* risking their lives.
>>>>>This is truly repulsive. I am so glad I did not vote for this guy (not that I ever had the intentions)
>>>>>This is NOT Rush Libmbaugh that sometimes talks out of his behind this guy wanted/want to be the Commander in Chief.

>>>>It was a botched joke. Although in poor taste, why is that more repulsive than GWBush looking under tables and chairs for WMDs as a joke in front of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association, while people are dying in Iraq.

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