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Kerry’s comments
02/11/2006 20:06:14
02/11/2006 19:43:48
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Good point!

>My first instinct is that soldiers are better trained for their job than timber cutters are for theirs.
>>Surprisingly, the only comparable job in my mind would be convenience store clerk or policeman as far as the risk of enemy fire. I find it interesting that a soldier in Iraq has a better chance of survival than a Timber cutter while I don't know of any terrorists targeting timber cutters...
>>>Nice. I was not sure on how to put it all together. Thanks. :-)
>>>>Ok, the death rates are listed per 100,000. Let's look at the numbers:
>>>>Total active duty: 1,411,287
>>>>Total Guard/Reserve: 66,000
>>>>Total Reserve Full Time: 234,629
>>>>Total For Computations: 1,711,916
>>>>Total Active Duty all Components: 2,659,000 (I won't use this number)
>>>># of Military Deaths in 2004: 1887 (it was 1410 in 2003 but we'll use the higher number)
>>>>Deaths per 100,000 in 2004: 110
>>>>Deaths per 100,000 in 1999: 32.4
>>>>End Strength in 1999: 1525942 Deaths 788 Ratio: 51.63
>>>>Last year, the military lost 310 service members and employees to car crashes alone
>>>>That puts yr 2004 at number 2 (after Timber Cutters which were at 117.8) and ahead of Fishers
>>>>and yr 1999 (a typical year) at (#5 on the list after Metal Workers & before Roofers)
>>>>31,000 convenience store clerks are shot every year (I had no idea)
>>>>The problem with the combat related deaths is that they cover 1 May 2003 to the present which encompasses multiple years. For a true comparison, you have to break it down to the number of deaths per 100,000 for the same year. The most recent statistics I found numbers for (which I posted) were for 2003.
>>>>>Except that you are linking to a money cnn report from 2003. If you link to the current one from August 2006 here, you'll see partway down the page, the following statement:
>>>>>The BLS does not count combat deaths in its survey;
>>>>>if it did, the military would undoubtedly have qualified
>>>>>as America's most dangerous job last year.
>>>>>I suspect the Bureau of Labour Statistics didn't include combat deaths in 2003 either.
>>>>>>Those are actuarial statistics based on per capita rates. The military doesn't even make the list. They have less of a chance of getting killed in their profession than those on the list (statistically speaking). The apologist crowd will just ignore the facts and make up their liberal gobbly-gook (sp?). The libs don't want facts and logic, they want "make-me-feel-good" emotionalism.
>>>>>>>Have you looked at the internet for dangerous jobs? I did a google and found 2 different sites that list 10 of the most hazardous jobs.
>>>>>>>how many jobs other then the military have over 1 million (not sure of the exact number) employed at the same time? Timber cutters lost 84 out of 100,000 in 2002.
>>>>>>>>You said this:
>>>>>>>>"the military is no more dangerous than most other professions"
>>>>>>>>I'm not sidestepping anything by saying I think you're wrong and that is ridiculous. (yeah my spelling stinks...heh)
>>>>>>>>What other professions here in the USA lost 105 people last month due to the nature of the job, hummm? I assure you that "most other professions" did not loose 105 people due to the nature of their job. What does this have to do with driving your car? ...unless you're a truck driver or something....
>>>>>>>>>Again, without side-stepping the argument:
>>>>>>>>>Statistics show that you have a greater chance of being killed or seriously injured by driving your car than you do by being in the military. Therefore, driving is more dangerous than being in the military.
>>>>>>>>>P.S. The word is "ridiculous"
>>>>>>>>>>>... the military is no more dangerous than most other professions.....
>>>>>>>>>>That's ridicilious.

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