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Dirty trick in PA Senate race
08/11/2006 13:08:05
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>>>>>Both parties are running such ads, and they disgust me equally. What I want seems easy enough in theory: politicians who truly serve their constituents ahead of their party. Who follow their conscience. Imagine that! Interesting that the first two who come to mind are John McCain and Olympia Snowe, both Republicans.
>>>>I bet there are many who start out trying to do it that way, but end up caught up in the machinery.
>>>>I seem to remember most of the new 'contract with America' (or whatever it was called) winners making a big splash about doing it that way. I wonder where they stand now?
>>>>We have a party called "Reform" (now the minority government) that, when they fist ran and elected 50ish representatives they pledged to be different by doing little things like:
>>>>- not occupying the tax-payer funded "Leader of the Opposition" home for their leader;
>>>>- opting out of the gold-plated pension scheme;
>>>>- never allowing lobbyists to cross their portals.
>>>>None of that lasted longer than the first session, the machine being far too inviting.
>>>I agree with you that many politicians do start out with better intentions than they wind up with. IMO part of it is the headiness of power and a bigger part is the money. Money is the lubricant of the entire machinery. Not necessarily in one's own pockets -- although of course that happens -- just enough money to keep the machine running. It's like the parable of the frog and the pot of water. If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will immediately jump out. But if you put a frog in a pot of warm water and then gradually raise the temperature, the frog may not realize what's happening until it's too late.
>>Exactly. Which is why the MACHINE HAS TO BE CHANGED.
>>The system has taken on a 'life-form' (the machinery) that has evolved for its own purpose/growth and has completely left out the people who hire the machine user/operators. They pretend, every 2/4 years, that the people are the deciders but the machine manipulates them with such alacrity that the people don't even know they're being had.
>I agree with you, but don't have a lot of confidence that any fundamental change will occur. The first problem being that the people who would have to change the system (legislatively) are exactly the ones who are in the machine. Sure, there are a few who really would like to be reformers, but IMO they are greatly outnumbered by those who are comfortable with the system as it is because it benefits them personally.

Yes, it's one of the biggest CATCH-22 issues out there. I can't see it changing unless some HUGE grass-roots movement, like the 60s, develops.

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