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Have a Happy Veterans day to all Veterans
13/11/2006 00:23:41
12/11/2006 21:56:44
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
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The statistics do show that there the majority of people in the military consider themselves conservative/repub.

But look at the last election. You will see quite a view vets running. I don't know of any of them running as repubs.

>>You really, really need to learn to keep your emotions out of your decisions. Read the facts, things verified by bi-partisan committees/groups (i.e. Groups with nothing at stake should a war break out).
>LOL. Liberalism is by definition guided by emotions and knee-jerk response, believing they know what's good for everyone and by God, you will obey.
>>Saddam had nothing, nada, nil, zilch, naught, came up a goose ege, to do with 9-11. Near as I can tell, bushs' decision to invade Iraq was based on either:
>>a) neocons desire to establish a stronghold in the Middle East
>>b) A desire by bush to get revenge on Saddam for events that occurred between Saddam and daddy bush.
>Neocons are a myth. You need to read a variety of reports not just some left wing rag. Having served in the cryptology/intelligence field in the military for many years, I can believe, against prevailing thought, that there was something there. That classified information will never be released. If the military machine, including the Government, committed troops, then you can be your bottom dollar that there was something there. However, the paranoia of the left wants to believe otherwise. You're entitled to your thoughts no matter how misguided.
>>That's it. Nothing els. I'm not sure if you wear an aluminum foil hat to work, or to the level of you fantasies.
>I don't need aluminum foil, I'm bathed in the religious protection that the right-wing conspiracy affords me :).
>>You still haven't answered the question about why so many vets are democrats. Is it because they are "liberals", whatever that means to you? I don't think so. I think it's because they don't like what they see as far as the way the war is being run. This includes putting troops in harms way.
>I haven't seen any statistics say such. In my experience, very few military men are liberals. The two just don't mix. I think you'll see that there are more conservatives in the miltary than liberals. Just to play you side, because many are young and misguided, that may explain the differential if, in fact, it exists.
>>This war has made the world far less safe. This isn't a single country I'm aware of that wasn't happy that the dems won on Tues. As someone said "it was the end of a six year nightmare".
>Sure they're happy. They know that America is once again vulnerable, becuase Fat Ted, Big-Mouth Kerry and crew won't protect us. I bet they're elated.
>>Open your eyes and see the world for what it is.
>I've been all over the world, speak 5 lanugages and have lived in many third-world countries. I can speak from experince, can you?

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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