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Marijuana advocate plans to roll world's biggest joint
01/12/2006 18:11:35
01/12/2006 14:52:25
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Did you ever try writing down the details of the idea while stoned? I did, and believe me, the next day, when you read it you realize in a hurry that it was obviously an idea hatched by a stoned idiot.

The best example of productivity while stoned I ever saw was from a friend of a friend. When I crashed at about 1:30am, he was still awake - he was on acid (which I admit, I never tried - too many friends with their brains fried on it). When I woke up the next morning and walked into the living room, he was just about finished manually picking up all the flakes of dirt, lint, etc from my living room rug. It was cleaner than I'd ever seen it. He had started in one corner and he was about 90% done, but losing steam fast. I had to vacuum the rest of it. But he was certainly on my guest list from then on.

LOL...that's a good story.

I'm about to turn 42 and can honestly state that I've never smoked pot. Just the occasional xanax and beer chaser. But I can at least contribute one beer story where I may as well have been stoned.

In Atlanta in 1991, my buddies and I used to walk to a local sports bar after work [Jocks and Jills, for anyone living in Atlanta]. One Friday night, I got so ripped on beer that I couldn't even hold my head up while walking. My buddies had to walk me back to my office so I could sleep it off.

I had recently finished a big deliverable, so on the way back to the office, I was proclaiming myself the greatest developer in the world...and to prove it, I said I'd show them that I could type out a program while drunk....and blindfolded.

So they got me back to my office, I sat in my chair, took my tie off, and they blindfolded me and put my hands on the keyboard. I then proceeded to boot my computer, and wrote and compiled a short program that read data out of a file, did a simple loop, and displayed the results. The guys were stunned, but of course, it was such a mundane task.

Next thing I knew, I woke up the next afternoon in my office, with the cleaning lady wondering what kind of nut-case I was.


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