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05/12/2006 06:39:10
05/12/2006 03:59:07
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>>>I reread few articles here and there about it, and now I am even more convinced that what happened there was completely wrong. Rights of these
>>>people were grossely abused.
>>>Tip of from Arab speaking passanger (??) and you kick out of plane six
>>>VIP muslim clerics (one of them blind). C'mon Terry where does this lead us ?
>>>This is simply huge blunder on part of AA practices. Period.
>>That's as maybe but we were going by what was reported in the orig. URL that was cited, not on what you have subsequently read.
>>As I said, from that article it seems that the imans acted very provocatively in this day and age and climate.
>That exactly is OUR problem. This day, age and climate.
>We as in West created it.

What are you talking about? WE didn't crash 3 planes into US buildings, and an attempted 4th.

OK, the wars have perpetuated the problem, but WE didn't start it. And the increase in airport security, and "paranoia" (healthy if you ask me, in this case) of passengers was not created by wars in the ME, but stems directly from 9/11. If the wars had not happened we would STILL have been as vigilant.

>>>That is correct. It is global maddness/paranoya inflicted to the rest of the world by US/UK.
>>>9/11 was one extreem tragic event wich should hv been dealt with much more dignity and self respect.
>>>Whole world was with and felt for US that day. Both my wife and I cried together that day, watching people falling down the tower. Whole world was united that day. That alone could hv been most serious blow to terorrisam world wide. World united against it.
>>SO you think the US, after 9/11, should have just said "Those Al Qaeda, eh? What are they like?!" And that would have been the end of it?

So you didn't answer this.

>>>9/11 happened 5 years ago, some mentally ill / evil spirited people did
>>>what they did.

And there's no more nutters out there?

>>And there's no more out there just waiting for the next devastating pop at the West?
>>>But no one really knows or have hard evidence twds who did it. (Do not come up with story about tapes pls)
>>>Consecutively Afganistan and Iraq were attacked by coallition forces based on above events having a 'strong feeling and a hunch' rather then hard evidence.
>>>Unless you believe/can swalow WMD story as hard evidence.
>>The debate about Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't come into this.
>It does very match. All this happened after 9/11. More Wars, more deaths,
>more violence. Violence sparks more violence. Who can guarantee you that what
>happened in London 7/7 or in Madrid was not inspired as revenge to something that happened in Afganistan or Iraq ?

I thought you said such attrocities were perpetrated by nutters? I opine that 7/7 happened as an adjunct to 9/11, Bali (10/12), Madrid, et al. If you really want to go into who started it we have to look into the partition of Arabia in the 1st half of the 20th century, the creation of Israel, etc. But that's a pointless exercise as what's done is done and can't be undone - the problem is who's going to perpetuate this mess now.

>>> This is airport and aeroplane security. Are you suggesting that the authorities are only windy about security because of the wars and NOT cos of 9/11?
>About Both. We might NOT know all that is happening/happened in Afganistan/Iraq but governments/their agencies do. So since they know what THEY DO then they also know what they can EXPECT.
>What was really achieved by these two wars, security wise ?
>It is surely not step twds mending fences with Muslims world.
>Nor did it left any space to THEM to make any steps twds
>mending fences with us (West).

>Agreeably it is up to Muslim world to deal with their own radical elements/countries. But after these two wars and all that happened, no Muslim government can do any sort of reaching to the west and be widely supported in the same time. Look at Lebanon today for instance.
>Muslims world wide are pi**ed off more then ever. Menu of those who
>were maybe moderate or were material to be moderated, after this 5 years might hv turned radical. Based on simple math, if you make 10 people angry/mad, 9 of them will shout or burn some flags, but one of them is going to hit you. But if you create 1000 of such people, then your chances of getting hit are increased 100%. And so for exponentially.

How about the "muslim world" stops looking at every attack on one of their members as an attack on Islam, as a "crusade". I don't recoil every time two worlds go to war and say "They're attacking Christianity".

>After that of course you need plenty of security.
>Do you feel more secured in London today, after your (Muslim) neighbour's family was wiped out in Iraq yesterday?

Of course not. Most the world concurs that Iraq was/is a disaster

But you must remember that it's muslim-on-muslim violence in Iraq today.

>Now we hv both worlds radicalised, nerv racked, angry, hurt etc.
>That is why I call it Global maddness and parranoya.
>IMHO, whole world is shaken and destabilised durring last 5 years
>and it is last time to calm/stop rocking that boat.

Again, I've no argument against this. But again, the West didn't start with the attacks and affronts to their countries (note, I didn't say religion). Bush started the "War on Terror", rightly or wrongly, but what was he to do? "OK, radical muslim sects, you dealt us a body blow. How can we help you?"

>Airport security is just one of the meny aspects of our lifes/societies
>that went out of control and a common sense. But there are meny others.
>And all this costs us dearly. In deaths, quality of life, and money at the end. Think always that all that war/defence/security, (incl Airport security) activities and spending comes straight out of your pocket. Do you feel more secure now that you spent/spending so much ?

Again, we'd be doing this with or without the "War"

>You hv no idea, how secured I felt after they confiscated
>set of my *crucial* fishing lures on Heatrow... (??!?)

So blame the 9/11 perps.

>I wish I had a bomb!

Stupid thing to say, in this world of wire taps, govt monitoring of emails, on-line transactions and dialogue, etc. Probably find yourself added to a CIA list now.

>Whoa, hold on, stop, don't jump! I am just kidding :))

I hope the CIA appreciate the smiley :-)
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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