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06/12/2006 06:58:59
05/12/2006 15:43:42
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>>That exactly is OUR problem. This day, age and climate.
>>>We as in West created it.
>>What are you talking about? WE didn't crash 3 planes into US buildings, and an attempted 4th.
>Not this generation as much as the previous ones, but, think about it. Who has split India into three countries? Who carved out Lebanon out of Syria, or Kuwait out of Iraq? Just look at the number of straight-line borders in Africa. Divide et impera may be a good tactical game for the duration of an empire, and may be profitable for a few decades afterwards, but sooner or later the divided and ruled over get pis*ed off.

I alluded to that in the lower paragraph. But, heh, the UK can't take all the blame. It's the US that's been propping up Isral's defences for decades.

>>OK, the wars have perpetuated the problem, but WE didn't start it. And the increase in airport security, and "paranoia" (healthy if you ask me, in this case) of passengers was not created by wars in the ME, but stems directly from 9/11. If the wars had not happened we would STILL have been as vigilant.
>And would have to fight it at the ground level - with all of the CIA, MI-7 (or whatever, I'm bad with names) et al, infiltrate, expose, dilute, catapult the propaganda, make bridges. Use of military force against terrorist cells may look impressive on TV, but it doesn't get the job done.
>>>>>9/11 happened 5 years ago, some mentally ill / evil spirited people did
>>>>>what they did.
>>And there's no more nutters out there?
>Thanks to the GW2B (GulfWar2 Bush) and his administration, there are MORE now.

My question *was* rhetorical.

>>I thought you said such attrocities were perpetrated by nutters? I opine that 7/7 happened as an adjunct to 9/11, Bali (10/12), Madrid, et al. If you really want to go into who started it we have to look into the partition of Arabia in the 1st half of the 20th century, the creation of Israel, etc. But that's a pointless exercise as what's done is done and can't be undone - the problem is who's going to perpetuate this mess now.
>That's why I think Srđan mentioned "mending fences" a couple of times. Can't be undone, but good will to fix should be shown. Instead, we get any country which gives the wrong answer to "who owns your oil" labeled as rogue. Russia is currently badmouthed because of that, Venezuela too, before that it was Libya and Iraq.

I don't think the US or UK are up to "mending fences" with terrorists who slay large numbers of their citizens in acts of cowardice and barbarity.

>>Again, I've no argument against this. But again, the West didn't start with the attacks and affronts to their countries (note, I didn't say religion). Bush started the "War on Terror", rightly or wrongly, but what was he to do?
>There was a general approval to attack the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. And that should have been it, but done thoroughly and with nation-building, period. Instead, it was botched, left half done, and the whole tent dismantled and pitched up in Baghdad, for no good reason but the aforementioned wrong answer about oil.

No argument with that.

>>>Airport security is just one of the meny aspects of our lifes/societies
>>Again, we'd be doing this with or without the "War"
>Airport security was tightened up thirty years ago, after the first "fly to Cuba". There were ways to do that discretely and without too much hassle. What was actually done was to make a big show of making everyone aware of the issue, to expose everyone to new techniques and generally to create a siege mentality. Paranoia has become a potted plant, watered and fertilised regularly.
>Stalin would be proud with as much suspicion sown among the citizens. Everyone suspects everyone else, beautiful. Much easier to rule now.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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