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My guess: A planned scam to extort some $.
06/12/2006 11:48:50
06/12/2006 11:40:55
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>>>I don't think the US or UK are up to "mending fences" with terrorists who slay large numbers of their citizens in acts of cowardice and barbarity.
>>>That's the typical answer I'd expect from a right-wing-nut hawk, generalizing the whole Mid East as "terrorists". Still, labeling them so won't make the problem go away. These nations will still be there in ten, twenty, fifty years. And, to differ from the public in Serbia and US (the ones I know), their memory stretches far more into the past than just today's news spin.
>>I do hope you're referring to the US and UK as "a right-wing-nut hawk" and not me. My statement also did not suggest that the whole of the ME is/should be thus labelled. What I'm saying is: some terrorists come along a blow the hell out of a country, it's govt. isn't going to say "Ooooh, they must be peeved about something. Shall we invite them over for a quiet chat and figure out what's got themn so upset" BOLLIX!
>The terrorists themselves, no. But does Sweden spawn terrorism? Does Slovenia? Nope, it's always coming from countries which have been screwed several times over, which have an axe to grind, which are poor, exploited and hence have a large segment of population which is a candidate for providing the cannon fodder. Except that they don't have cannons, they resort to poor man's war, aka terrorism.
>The fence mending probably wouldn't do a thing today, but in the long run, and medium too, would leave the recruiters for this kind of war without support.

What's the point in fence mending anyway? they'd only go and run an explosive-laded wheel-barrow into it.

Besides, doesn't fence-mendig suggest putting up a barrier. A better expresion would be "fence demolition".

FYI other common expressions that are dead wrong:

They talk of someone's "meteoric rise". - When was the last time a meteor was seen rising?

I'm getting there, but "it's a steep learning curve" - Most graphs have time as the x-axis, and "gain" as the y. In other words, he's achieving great leaps of improvement in a very short time.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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