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It's snowing in Vancouver
13/12/2006 02:40:07
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What's the temperature today? Here it's going to be in the mid 40s to low 50s for the fourth day in a row. Not exactly what most people think of when they think of Chicago in mid December.

We got socked with the same weather system most of the country did less than two weeks ago, 6-8 inches of snow that was quickly followed by a cold snap that turned it all almost to ice. I thought I was going to be saying hello to that stuff until March. Whoops, all gone. Only a few remnants of the big piles along the curbs remain.

Total change of subject: you must have enjoyed the last Dolphins game. I sold them short in the message you replied to previously and I hereby say you were right and I was wrong. They still dug themselves too deep a hole with the 1-5 (or was it 1-6?) start but any team that can beat the Bears by 18 and the Patriots by 21, the Patriots' first shutout loss in years, is not a lame team. On the drive home Monday I caught an interview with Brian Urlacher. He was asked who he thought the defensive player of the year should be and he said Jason Taylor. (He added, in the laconic style that has made him such a fan favorite here, that he didn't think he deserved it last year. So much of it depends on the guys who are out there with you, he said. Unfortunately a number of those guys are injured at the moment but Brian is still playing like a madman).

>We just had the lowest early December temp on record: 21F. Must be global warming :-)
>>Once again, my money is on the majority of experts not conservative politicians.
>And where do conservative politicians get their opinions? Dissenting scientists, of course. That was a lopside, ne slanted, comment, Evan.
>I agree that there's something afoot in the climate. But cow farts and volcanoes truly do put more greenhouse gases in the air than industrial emissions so....? What's the solution?
>>When you skim off the politics and industry shills (even if you don't) scientific consensu is that it is likey caused by humans.
>>>No it isn't. That's half right. The expert consensus is that it exists, the debate is how much is human caused. Most climatologists will tell you that we contribute about 5% of the greenhouse gasses into the air.
>>>A normal volcano eruption will put more crap in the air than all human activities combined will in a given year.
>>>What bothers me is how this has become a political debate and not a scientific one.
>>>>>I really don't know if there is global warming.
>>>>We're lay people. The expert consensus is that it exists and caused by humans

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