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Holland troops helped massacre will be awarded...
15/12/2006 03:53:08
14/12/2006 12:25:24
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>As to what you say about sociaties evolving. This may true, by your examples, for westerns sociaties. But I don't think it is so true for the mid-east sociaties. For I have known my share of mid-eastern imigant. They appear to think in black and white about us and even there own kind. They either love like a bother, or hate like the enemy. There appears to be no gray area in their thinking. I found I could easily confuss them my making a sarcastic remake while have a big smile on my face. They did not whether I was insulting them or trying to be funny. But those day are over, and I am bigger then that. I try to treat everyone with equal respect, regardless of who they are, what they believe, where they are from.

Hi Greg,
Leaving in nearby Cyprus, my experiences with meeting them are mostly pleasent. I hv meet rich and poor arabs and persians here. Those younger ones who are better off and educated, are no different then anybody else I know. Poor ones working menial jobs arround here are very warm and honest people, very very rarely involved in any wrongdoings. You will not hear about arab or persian involved in theft or drugs. (That is mostly done by domestic offspring and newcomers from eastern Europe)

I NEVER saw or meet that angry/mean looking characters from Swartzeneger and other movies. They are ususally very polite and smile very often.
It is however very dificault to have serious political or religious conversation with them. This is when *blackouts* occure, so keeping out of it is probably the best way to keep you middleeastern friend :)

There is severe brainwashing, character profiling and stereotypes on both sides. Just like people on the west get easily scarred on the planes, you will very often hear muslim conclude or avoid political conversation with stupid (easy way out) sentence - 'It is all American's fault!'

Situation will probably get lot worse before it become any better.
West need to reach out to them in completely different manner, while 'they'
have to do some serious religion moderation. But none of this is possible
while war drums/trumpets are still banging. So this has to stop first
before anything else can be done.

BTW Thks for a wake up call.
I realised that I am being sarcastic and bitter in some of my messages lately. I hv it almost like knee-jerk reaction whenever I hear something ridiculous, and on a given bad day ... But this is not excusable.
As you said, we need to be polite and respectfull always.

Set Chatter>politics off
Set Foxpro>general on

So see you there :)
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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