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I've heard of it, but just in a cursory manner. Wasnt the oxygenation mandated by the Clean Air Act of 1990? I find the issue interesting but i think you kind of misuse it to try to make a point. The intent was to arrive at cleaner burning fuels. The current admin, refering the material noted by Nigel (a large number of scientists), has consistently sought to undermine the public’s understanding of the view held by the vast majority of climate scientists that human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are making a discernible contribution to global warming.

>Huh? You mean the ones representing the mfgs of methyl tertiary butyl ethanol who were selling it to the refineries by the $billions. The supposed oxygenating capabilities of MTBE were so highly touted than Congress and Clinton's Administration bought into it. At the time, Congress was Democrat (maybe the Senate was Repub, but this was still prior to the "Republican revolution" lead by Newt Gingrich).
>I am sorry I don't know your relative age, so please indulge me this question because your question confused me -- you are old enough or at least know about the MTBE automotive fuel additive from the early 90s to the early years of this century?
>>Who were the MTBE lobbyists?
>>>Suppressing EPA scientists by the Bush admin is partly a crock. Under Clinton, we had Prez Clinton pollute our gasoline with an oxygenating additive called MTBE that EPA knew would not work because of pilot fuel studies conducted in Phoenix AZ. Yet the MTBE lobbyists won out, and Carol Browner, then Administrator of EPA, touted its benefits. 8 years or so later, we finally got rid of it because lo-and-behold it was not working, it was not biodegradable, was water soluble and contaminated our ground water (drinking water) supplies and was a probable carcinogen. All of which we knew when the Clinton admin foisted this on us. Now, we have the farm (corn) lobby cramming ethanol down our gas pipes as the latest and greatest gasoline additive that we also know does not work. Just ask Argentina(?). Hell, corn isn't even the best (most efficient) crop that could be used to produce ethanol (hemp, sugar cane). Look at the MASSIVE amounts of water needed to produce corn.
>>>And by "not working", I mean an overall net reduction is polluting emissions. As always, follow the money and you will find a lobbyist and a member-of-Congress/Parliament, etc., walking hands-in-pockets.

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